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Posts posted by Spectre111

  1. Hey BD

    I have been playing around with sub assembles trying to make a pylon with a few missiles on it,

    but when I place the missiles on to my craft with symmetry on, the weapon manager will fire off the missiles under one wing before firing the others.

    Here is my question could you add a option in the missile right click menu that would allow me to tell the weapon manager in what order to fire the missiles?

    For example just give me a text box where i can type a number and when i switch the weapon manager onto that missile type it would fire them in the numeric order i have assigned.

    Thanks :)

  2. Perhaps the solution to the flare problem could be that each flare has a CHANCE, rather than a flat 100% within conditions, of defeating the missile? And perhaps the more flares you launch, the better the chance? Obviously the detection cone would have to increase. This could also give value to each CM pod eventually carrying a limited number of flares. This solution was suggested and massively supported for flares in Planetside 2, but admittedly it is difficult to define.

    Whether you use my suggestion or not, I'd say that if you want missile mechanics to be fully developed, it would definitely be a good idea to find a solution. IRL, as I'm sure you know, the method for avoiding IR missiles generally is to maneuver in as many planes of movement as possible, i.e. start rolling, pitch hard, and dump flares around your turn. It wouldn't be very exciting if the avoidance method ingame is to fly away from or towards the missile while periodically tapping your CM button. That said, you've already achieved far more than any other weapon mod developer has so far, and with a higher mod quality in general, so massive props for that. I just want to see this project go on to be the superior, permanent weapon mod for this game.

    This is such a great idea, I second this very much.

  3. I seem to have a problem with the railgun ammo, when i fire the ammo at a target it doesn't collide with any part of the target except the command module.

    I am using version 0.31 of this mod with version 0.21 of KSP.

    If there is anymore information that might be helpful in solving this problem i shall do my best to provide it.

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