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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Does the .cfg file belong somewhere in particular? BTW thank you for your help and patience. - - - Updated - - - Fixed my issue! For posterity:
  2. I'm still not clear on what steps I need to do. Here's my heads folder, and I found diversekerbalheads, but where do I put that file?
  3. could you possibly be much more explicit with what you mean? which config file? how do I add them?
  4. OK so 2 questions: 1) I have a set of female head textures, but when I put them in the heads folder they get added to the pool of random male head textures. how do I keep separate gender textures apart? 2) In the load screen (and only the load screen) Valentinas helmet has no visor. Is this a vanilla game issue or a missing texture?
  5. FOUND MY ISSUE! I failed to calculate waste water made from washing / other things. To be fair I was correct in my assumption that there's no way you pee more liquid water than drink was correct. You absorb 90% of the water you drink. Anyway thanks for attempting to help guys.
  6. hmm, it doesn't make a ton of sense to me that the filter would produce more water from 1 kerbal's day of waste water than a kerbal would need to drink in a day. I suppose it's possible, and I've no frame of reference to refute it, but it seems illogical especially in a likely dehydrated food environment. I'd imagine that a body would lose more water through solid waste and breathing than gained even from regular food. Can someone from the TAC team confirm the default figure is intended and will stay static so I can confidently readjust my mod? (I guess it'd make sense if my greenhouse used more water)
  7. I'm saying that in a closed system mass should stay constant. The gain is during the filtration process: more water comes out than in. I guess it makes a little sense that some food may be converted to water but I'd assume food stored for space travel would be dried to reduce volume. I found it to rapidly create water in a way that seems impossible, especially considering solid waste contains water too. At any rate I noticed the error when creating a greenhouse mod to work with TAC specifically, and balancing water / oxy /food intakes for Kerbals. The problem arose when the water filters stopped due to full water tanks and failed to produce enough waste for conversion to biomass. While it makes sense that solid / liquid gas waste gets mixed up in bodies, for simplification purposes I like to keep conservation of mass between the three. Basically i'm saying a filter should, logically' produce the exact same amount a of water a kerbal 'peeing' into it consumes, at least not more.
  8. So I've noticed some values are off on the Water Filter units. After long periods of running, water is actually created. Based on your spreadsheet of Kerbal usage, the output of the filters should be 0.0000111880787 to maintain equilibrium. I edited my own mod with the figure above, and stations running for years keep the same amount of water.
  9. Can we have a way to manually transfer data between ships? Let's say i have a permanent satellite gathering data, can I have a lander hand-deliver it to Kerbin? Or, a better example would be if i make a lander / reentry vehicle can I send it to Duna, get it back to orbit, then give it's science to an interplanetary shuttle to Duna?
  10. I always send my 'retirees' as permanent residents to my space station, or Mun, or w/e. Also the list of applicants, what if they all have bad stats? Anyone know how to reset the list?
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