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  1. Yea, it should show either solutions or an error message. What browser are you using? Do you have anything that disables javascript?
  2. Design more efficient landers! Mobile friendly! http://teoryn.github.io/rocketcalc/ This finds the optimal configurations of engines for single stage rockets, including the possibility of mixing types of engines, thrust limiting on lower Isp engines, and shutting down the low Isp engines once they aren't needed to maintain the required thrust-weight ratio. Multiple solutions can be given based on the least fuel burned, lowest wet mass, etc. Source on GitHub Copyright © 2014 Kevin Stock, MIT License
  3. I wish I got incredibly frustrated with Assassin's Creed, which took over a minute to quit, and now I can't help judging every game I play based on how long it takes to quit.
  4. Currently exiting out of KSP from being in a flight requires six actions and waiting through multiple load screens. I'd like it if there were an option to save and quit from the <esc> menu anywhere, preferably without a confirmation box.
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