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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. So, the Hexgrid isn't showing up in my game. Am I supposed to download the Hexgrid from somewhere else?
  2. I don't think I'm installing Mechjeb right. I get all the parts but the button doesn't show up when I put on a Mechjeb unit or use the Mechjeb command pod.
  3. Yes. No menus come up and the game acts like it wasn't installed, minus the MechJeb parts.
  4. I know this might make me sound like an idiot, but my MechJeb isn't working at all. I think I have it installed correctly and none of the menus are showing up. Like it wasn't installed at all. I have the MechJeb folder in GameData.
  5. I have had the same problem. I even tried scanning the Mun and nothing happened. No detector sound or anything. I am at 99km above the Mun's surface and get nothing.
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