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  1. Johnno, The engines were the same but I realized where I went wrong. When I started deleting the fuel tanks I could see where some of the fuel tanks were connected to the fuel tank next to it but not to the tank above it. So I trashed the whole thing and started building from the nose cone down. Before I had gone from the bottom up and I think I was experiencing the issue with the Unity engine with the parent child relationships. Before I couldn't get the 4 way symmetry to work when adding tanks and it worked this time. Thanks for the advice as you were spot on. Thanks, Maddog10
  2. I think I may have identified the issue. I left the rocket on the control pad and then proceeded to burn all of the fuel while checking the tanks in the stack. I believe I must have some of the tanks connected incorrectly as they still have fuel in them and when I dumped the fuel from them into the longest lasting rocket then it fired back up. I have to leave for awhile but I'll retry the design tonight.
  3. Here is my rocket: http://imgur.com/TkiHAcQ When I activate the 4 rockets the first rocket seems to consume much more fuel than the rest. This of course leads to flame out of that engine and a nice spinning crash if I don't activate the parachutes. Is there anything i can do to eliminate this weird fuel consumption. I tried adding gas lines between the tanks but that just resulted in no change of behavior. Could it be the order I assembled the 4 rockets beneath the quad coupler? Thanks!
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