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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Reminds me of Spore when you get to the space stage. Gotta collect all that SPICE!! Spore also had a huge galaxy with tons of star systems you could fly around to...
  2. I’ve not played around with the probes or satellites that much (only one that's orbiting around kerbal) I figured they didn't do anything yet. I think the telescopes would be a great addition to it especially the planet discover factor that it would bring. Didn’t the Hubble telescope get taken up in pieces?
  3. I don't think Satellites/Probes serve much of a purpose as of right now but I have a suggestion on what they could be for. Maybe for the career mode have it to where you can't see any of the planets. You would then need to build a Telescope to search for the planets (Have a hot or cold feature showing if you're close to finding one and then show a black ball or the planets orbital path). You would then need to send a Probe/Satellite/Kerbal to map the planet and send back data to kerbal. That data would be used the map the surface/temp/weather/or any life. Maybe if a kerbal is out on Eeloo and wants to transmit data back to kerbal. He would be too far to transmit that data so he would have to relay that data to a satellite orbiting dres to get it back. Maybe i'm asking to much....
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