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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Terraforming science! Juste that! I want to be able to colonise, to terraform and to build a new launcher! Also a "black hole" science, to be able to travel trought galaxies and dimensions. And why not a space lift science? It could be awesome for thoses who just want to buld some scrapy n'massive vessels.
  2. Like Fifi, I'm against warp drive. The hibernation or cryopreservation (say it as you want) is, for me, a good idea. It could also be very usefull to have an "auto-traveler" a little tool who could automaticaly fly a spaceship to another planet that you already discovered. The idea is that you keep the fun : You don't have to make the same travel of two hours ten times, you could manage 5 flights at the same time and it could be used with "routines". By example : to re-fuel a station automatically. So, when you want to send some crew to a station, around another planet, you just have to plan a travel with your auto-traveler and to time warp. And of cours, ti would'n make your computer lagging, because all of thoses "travels" would be pre-calculated (except if you want to blow up the vessel who is using the auto-traveler)
  3. Well, personally i think it's possible to make an entire galaxy. The computer should't have to calculate every thing. Other solar systems and stars could be like "rooms". When you get out of a room to join another one, then the computer start loading the new one. Our "orbits" could act like those rooms, loading just what we need. In fact, this may already be the case. The developers are probably already working on it and know (better than us) what to do.
  4. Well, KSP is fun because it's hard. You crash every time and then you have to retry until it works. But there is one thing true : Some times, you just want to build a big thing and to put it in space without to have to build it part by part, launch by launch. A "space station launcher" could be really usefull and funny.
  5. Hello everyone, I wanted to talk about the multi in KSP. I'm learning english, so, pardon me if I make some mistakes. I know, programming a multiplayer mod for KSP, what a pain! There's so much to think about and depending on how KSP was programmed, it's probably not possible. But let us dream a little. Just put on this thread what do you think about. How could we make it possible? What would be the greatest things to do? Private/public docking port Instead of playing directly on-line, it could be really useful to give to the players the ability to share theyr stations with theyr friends and to set some docking ports for "Guest 1", "Guest 2" ... Just imagine, you're playing with your friends, (or some thousande of youtubers) and your station is growing up, pieces by pieces. You can use your own computer or a server. Direct multiplayer Well, I don't have anyting to say about it except that it's obvious, KSP with multiplayer would be great. And to make possible to launch your rocket for a mun ruch (a race with other players), to start fighting in the stars or just to start a colony with your friends... it would be so great! Corporation mod You start with some scrap parts and your goal is to earn money and to found a corporation with some friends. The player have to build a launcher for his own corporation (on an other planet, in orbit or on Kerbal, far away from the public launchers). The corporations would have to earn money by building mining stations, placing satelites in orbit and more. It would also have do make some sience points, by building labs.
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