Do you happen to have the ship files for all those? It looks awesome but I am so not good at making awesome stuff like that. EDIT: Neeeeeevvveeerrrrmind. I was stupid and didn't go to the end.
May I ask how you put the parts into the KSO? Also, what do you use for the station hub, and where do you put the docking ports/which do you use? I've been having a lot of trouble with launching things up and putting docks on parts.
What do you use for the hub of the station? I keep trying to make one, but I can't figure out how to. Do you have any suggestions or instructions? Thanks!
I've had KSP for quite a while, but I've recently had to reload my OS, and I can't remember what mods I had. So, I was just wondering what mods you should get that aren't really specific to anything, but are good to have. Thanks!