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Everything posted by cecilman69

  1. Looks like a Cthulu attack, time warp killing anything with moving parts during timewarp seems to be a common issue, I have things explode on the launch pad everytime I try to line up a sattelite or a planet for encounter
  2. I have the same problem, I have many many mods loaded at the same time (it takes like 3 mins to load the game) but i never had an issue until I loaded Infernal robotics... help?
  3. In a sec I will upload some photos of one i needed to lift a 120T payload, it got me to orbit but I still had to draw from the fuel station I was sending to dock with my orbital station to perform maneuvers.
  4. you have no idea how helpful this was for me, so many frustrating hours were spent giving in to hyperedit, I never realized that the nav ball switched which makes so much sense now! thankyou again and incredibly helpful
  5. I couldn't seem to get it to work on 0.21... (keeps my inventory from loading) and I really realllllllly want the servos and hinges and such.
  6. I may have just put it in the wrong folder, but I got myself the sunbeam and lazor guided missiles, and put them into Kerbal Space Program>Parts and It's not in my inventory (I also have the rest of the Lazors mod) It didn't work when I put the sunbeam into the Romfarer folder in Game Data either... I have the latest update of Kerbal. HELP!
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