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Posts posted by Ub3rObama

  1. I'm getting a bug in the VAB that appears to be related to KMP, which is kind of weird because it's affecting my single-player saves and I haven't even tried out a multiplayer server since the update. I had other mods when I first ran into the issue, but after removing them all and trying them one-by-one KSP has shown itself to be the culprit.

    Anyway, the bug itself is that when constructing rockets in the VAB, removing a part from a ship and depositing it back in the parts list makes it so you can't click on anything anymore. Can't select new parts, can't save/load your ships, can't even click the exit button, requiring you to end the system process to quit the game.

    Edit: Doing further testing to see if it's .23 related or perhaps a conflict with another mod...

    Edit 2: Yup, it seems to act the same way whether KMP is the only mod or if others are present.

    Having a similar problem, only have KMP, upgraded both KSP and KMP and now everythings broke.

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