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  1. You were right on the money, BoulderCo was the culprit. I downloaded it at the same time as RPM but I've been using the other mods for so long I forgot I'd installed it. My IVA mission is back on track, cheers!
  2. Had a quick search but didn't see anything. Just installed RPM and tried to do an IVA mission, but when I switch to map view and back it locks out all the controls. Got plenty of electrical power and i can still throttle up by moving the lever in the cockpit via mouse, but I've got zero directional control. Going to space centre and back fixes it but only until I use the map again. Only other mod I have installed is kerbal engineer. Anyone else have this problem or a solution? Cheers.
  3. I really like this idea. Personally I use mechjeb to automate tasks that I've already accomplished but are tedious to repeat, e.g. conducting multiple launches to loft space station parts into orbit. As you say something like having the ability to point prograde or retrograde automatically would be a low level unlock, then later on perhaps 'surf' mode, then perhaps the final unlock would be the ability to automatically calculate and execute a Hohmann transfer or similar.
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