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Col. Kurtz

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Everything posted by Col. Kurtz

  1. And what can I do about ALCOR pod going nova because of time warp? PS: Thank you for the F10 tip!! Has fixed some other issues I've had.
  2. Yeahhhhh I was in high orbit trying to do a maneuver and next thing I know, ALCOR pod starts glowing and then my game starts lagging to high hell. Haven't been able to reliably use ALCOR I'm a sad panda.
  3. I found one better! I was running through the post and came to this post. I downloaded the SPP MK2 RPM IVA file. Fixed my issue. Thank you for your reply bud! Friggin KSP community is by far the greatest gaming community I have ever been apart of.
  4. Odd, RPM works for my cockpits except the two new MK2s. I did install the new .90 dll and still no joy. Any thoughts?
  5. If you really want to go all out use the SCANsat mod to actually map the moons. This also adds the need to go for a polar orbit. I'm on the same mission as you! I only have the Mun and Minmus at the moment though. Best of luck!
  6. That was pretty cool to watch. I love that mod, it really helps with immersion.
  7. Yeah Cruzan AK does a great job of explaining some basics that helped me out. Next I need to set up my joystick to help with the flight. Thanks!
  8. So I decided to make a short KSP video of my takeoff and landing with the MK2 Jet I made. It's more for getting used to my new video editing software and getting ready to put up more KSP vids. This is also my first (successful) landing while IVA. Enjoy! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/52eZKtBfx84" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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