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Everything posted by kev061

  1. First off, thanks for your time and effort Faark. I am afraid that it was all for nothing. To be honest, I am a beginner when it comes to modding. After spending many hours trying to get one simple sound to work, I have realized that this is not for me. Once I do figure it out, squad will change the game format again and I will be at square one. It has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I am no longer even interested in playing KSP so I uninstalled it.
  2. This did not work for me either. I am trying to add a sound to a docking port when it is docked and one for undocking. It might be my command line in my config file... but adding = activate (or) = engage (or) = disengage after sound_file_name do not work. Is there a resource that tells us what other commands we can use in config files to activate a sound on a certain item?
  3. I have started this thread for information about adding WORKING sounds. There are a few tutorials out there, but they no longer work with the current format of KSP. Simply adding sound files and changing the config files within the parts (like Squad has done) does not work either. I am wondering if there is a source somewhere that I might have missed or for information for us that want to add/edit sounds within the game or within personal mods. Any info (that currently works with 0.21) would be greatly appreciated.
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