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  1. Now I feel like someone has been waving his flashlight at the entrance to my cave. "Come out, Come out now... there's a good boy. There's no need to sleep on rocks."
  2. Hey, I downloaded this and I think I correctly intalled it too. I can see the bigger ion engine in game and everything else in the control and utility tab. However I think i'm missing a lot of parts. I downloaded this especially for the tvr 210/310/410 adapters, so I can make a nice looking tri standard ion drive probe. But in the archive there're only 3 folders: Control, Utility and Propulsion. It's the 0.2.3 version of the KSPX too, as written in the archive name.
  3. Thank you all for replying. I've looked into Procedual Fairings and that is exactly what i want . A way to make a probe/rover aerodynamic. I had some problems with MapSat, was using 3.3.1 on KSP 0.21.1 and couldn't get hte icon to show up. Will look for 3.4.4 now and see if it works. Also downloading Novapunch now. Altho mods that add more engine don't really apeal to me, I don't like to get the game imbalanced, I read in the description that it also adds size adapters, so hopefully a way to make a nice looking tri Ion Drive.
  4. Hello, I just discovered this game and so far it is AWESOME . Best game ever I have played since Elite series a decade ago . Keep up the good work! I was reading various forums and wiki pages and noticed Kethane Pack and ISA MapSat and how great this mods are to enhance the game and generally add more things to do. Are there any similar mods to consider? This is a list fo things I'm looking for and if they are available: 1. I want to make some sort of a capsule around Rovers and satellites for aerodynamic purposes, so that I can pack 2-3 of them on a rocket and when I reach a specific orbit, release one of them, detach it's capsule and then land it or set it up. 2. So far I've been using The Not-Rockomax Micronode and Cubic Octagonal Strut for building small parts, but I would really like more pieces like Struts/Girders, specifically with those green mount points, like the Rockomax Micronode. 3. Also a mod that adds Stack Bi/tri/quad Couplers for small engines like Ion Drive and Rockomax 48.7S would be awesome for small ships and big probes. Thanks you for any suggestions and again, keep up the good work on this game .
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