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Posts posted by SpaceHole

  1. Its not like there was a thread about this a few weeks ago - oh wait ...


    Also "realistic-Ship-Building" - lol

    Honestly you post that sentence and this picture above ...

    And as i said before im sorry but seeing what they present - especially their web-page, logos, visuals of the game etc. i have doubts that this will become interresting.

    (Maybe im wrong)

  2. This thread just is sickening. Just shows why everything is going downhil and companies do as they please.

    Not to mention that it s hows that all those kids here have lost touch with reality when it comes down to money - but they its easy to spend money you didnt have to earn ...

    1 - This game isnt even out its still alpha

    2 - The game costs about 20 Dollars

    People are already asking for addons and are willing to pay more for themn than for the original game. Its just sick but it explains why many just ripp off consumers these days. Tahnks for destroying gaming-industry and making it into what it is now - another industry where the only thing that is important seems to be maximum profit ...

    Anyhow i am getting older and have less interrest and time for games anyhow.

    I would spend 0 on any KSP-Addon. I might spend some one one in the far - far future if the content is enough to make it worth it.

  3. Okay after seeing the picture and realizing we are talking about america its probably more normal to hate school. I would feel like in prison.

    BRB going to a school where everybody can go in and out as he pleases - no fences no guards nothing

    Am i scared? No because nothing happens and if something would happen it would probably happen anyhow just in a different way. Also by arguing like that i could just lock myself up in my room for the rest of my life and could life the "most safe" life in the world ...

    I mean honestly i walk on the streets daily - which is way more dangerous than beeing victim of probably any a crime

  4. Get rid of the "No child left behind" mentality first of all. Getting people who are ahead properly educated is more important than looking after stragglers in the long run. These will be the researchers and teachers in the next generation. If you hold them back due to people who can't handle the program, next generation will fall even further behind.

    I'm not saying we should just throw kids who aren't managing to keep up to the wolves, but a straight forward system can be devised where classes are split after a few years so that stronger students are studying with stronger students and better curriculum. Something like this has been implemented in Soviet Union and it works.

    No its not - and it is pretty obvious to anyone. What do you think would it be like to live in a world were most of the people are left behind and threated like second class citizens?

    Also most "ahead" people will probably not become teachers and most of them will probably also not end up in research.

    If you split classes worse kids will get even wors. Point is by stigmatizing people that have a harder time learning you will end up making them even worse not to mention ruining their lives.

    More support for smart kids - yes but also for not so smart kids - some sort of "elitist" society will fail pretty fast. If you make the mayority of people hate you and rob them of any future perspective - what do you think will happen?

    Also from my point of view smart people especially have an moral obligation to help others aswell not to mention that its in their best self interrest aswell.

    Just like rich people if they only care about themselves and generate ridiculous ammounts of money they will just end up in a "golden cage".

    I have witnessed the horrid failure that is American education as of present. Their is no incentive for the student to think is the problem, the only thing tested and therefore rewarded is memorization. Anything else that might take up time like thinking about why and how is discouraged and punished.

    I have heard the Japanese do a good job of grouping people of similar ability by having different levels of each school year. Lower achievers get simpler classes and stay in school less, while more advanced students get moved into accelerated schools and stay in school longer. I have heard a high-school grad in Japan is about on par with a Collage Bachelor grad in America.

    Hmm i have no idea about the Japanese-eduction system but i hope its not as extreme as the chinese educational system.

    For the vast majority of kids, that would mean majoring in Lady Gaga or collecting baseball pictures..

    I doubt that most kids at least at the beginning are very eager to learn new things. Problem is the educational system kind of stops any motivation they had not to mention that obviously people have different interrests and having to force them to learn certain things will reduce their motivation.

    To vastly improve the education system:

    1) disband the teachers' unions, do away with tenure

    3) get rid of (and that can go with 2) very well) the practice of teaching kids to pass tests, rather than to teach them skills

    4) revert the politicisation of the curiculum, which is now more about political correctness and AGW propaganda than about teaching real skills.

    Typical dinner-table talk.

    so unions are bad - teach them "skills" obviously only the ones you think of as good - i dont even understand what point 4 is supposed to say

  5. Hello an welcome to the forums.

    That's one nice system. :) But I strongly recommend overclocking your Haswell. Should do 4.4 - 4.8GHz nicely, an KSP should support 500-600 parts in doing so.

    Happy Launching.

    Great idea - overclocking for someone who has noe clue of it but not only that but just a small step of 1.4 GHZ - without any changes - what could possible go wrong ....

    BTW. KSP probably wont run that great with huge-part counts on any PC. Maybe im wrong but i think it would probably run best with single-or-dualcore with high Mhz.

    The main problem of KSP is not bad computers but its lacking support of 64bit, multicore etc.

    Im playing on my notebook which has no problems at all with KSP (best cheap gaming-notebook i found).

  6. I'm not entirely saying I will apply per say, but if my future job doesn't work out, it's a nice little option.

    I doubt you even need to apply with such an attitude.

    Also to answer your questions to some extent - its pretty much a small deveolpment team with a rather small game. Pretty much all earnings are strongly linked to the sales. Chances are most of them are still doing it out of suasion. Maybe thinking about making more money later on.

    I dont know many indie-developers but chances are they dont earn that well and have a very risky job that can end up either way.

    People like Notch are the absolute minority.

    That beeing said i would never hire someone that seems to see the job as some sort of plan C. If i were in the position to hire someone.

    Not to mention that i doubt that you are qualified anyhow. Do you have any specific apprenticeship or knowledge?

    Also since programming and the game are both in english chances are they talk english a lot. Thinking you could learn a languange that fast just like that just shows that you are probably a rather naive kid.

    Sorry i am a bit harsh and maybe i even completely misjudging you.

  7. "We forgets that Adults were in school, and do not have amnesia" Wait, you WERE in school, meaning you are not anymore. School was in a state where you may liked it. Things have changed a WHOLE LOT since then, especially in France (which is where I live for the ones still not knowing that :D). And it had became something bad. Real worst than what you remember. Get the ability to return as a teen state and go back to school. Then compare it with your memories. You will then understand why so many of us hates it ;)

    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE learning things, and I thought I will love school, college, high schools and the rest. But no, this is so badly done that I don't want to learn anything in class. Things that I learn with joy myself, by readings or googleings ! Maths especially.

    And last thing: You remember school being good because your brain tends to remember only the good memories. The things you hated back at the time are deleted now.

    Sorry but no. Also most people like me dont talk about school as the institution but about school as the part of life were you went there. Yeah school pretty much was always boring. But we talk about all the free time at this point in life combined with almost no responsibilities.

    Things havent changed a whole lot since its not that long ago that i was in school ...

    Also i disliked school - pretty much always and i do remember all the bad things yet it was still a nice time compared to all the new issues that rise up later on in your life. I actually always hated school - it was boring and i had to learn stuff i didnt care about and never used again.

    Still if you just do it at one point you can decide what to learn (at least to some extent) and will get a nice job.

    Anyhow you will still never have that much free time combined with so few responsibilities ever again.

    Just as an example how things change:

    School 1: meh i have to learn the alphabet and 1x1 thats quite a lot

    School 2: meh i have to learn 10 pages of names and birth dates - thats quite a lot - life was so easy before i just didnt realize

    School 3: meh i have to learn 100 pages of math and other stuff - thats quite a lot - life was so easy before i just didnt realize

    University: WTF how am i supposed to learn 1000 pages - life was so easy before i just didnt realize

  8. hi .

    I said ipad2/3/4 as a quick way to send to someone respected here a build , to show that the game is real , and the screenshots are real and that it runs as claimed in a mobile device. As it seems that quite a few people over here are basically calling bull**** on our graphics/framerate on iPads. ( some people are indeed claiming that it doesnt run at-all! :) .

    Target Audience :

    For the mobile/tablet build ? People which like simulations. People that play orbiter on the PC and would like something similar (bit more limited ) , but without the hassle of installing addons/plugins/missions etc.. .

    For the PC/MAC/Console Build ? People that like space simulations , but can't get bothered installing all the required plugings.etc (for Orbiter) or want it running on their set-top PS3/Xbox. For the PC , people that like designing and building rocket engines , -and then flying them - with a bit more of realism ( real sizes, actual planets , decent rendering, correct physics etc) . Basically somewhere in the middle beetween the ultra realism of Orbiter and the super-fun of KSP.



    So you pretty much make 2 different builds? How will graphics etc. change?

  9. What is this spare time you speak of? The most I get is about 2 hours a day. Not saying you forgot how it is to be in school, but you tend to think your situation is the worst. I'm in high school and in AP courses at that. If I get two hours of free time it is a miracle.(Except on weekends which I understand) Lastly we don't get paid for our time in school, nor our "overtime". That is not to mention those in high school who have jobs.

    Then you are doing something wrong. I hardly had to spend time to learn after school. School normally was about 5-7 hours a day. Whilst in school you can pretty much do whatever you want inbetween classes and even in classes depending on how fast you can learn. But its so slow its boring anyhow.

    How on earth would you only get 2 hours of free time a day?

    Yeah you dont get paid for school but you also dont have to worry about money since your parents pretty much pay for you. Most people dont get paid for "overtime" aswell. And needing a job depends on your parents money the countriy you live in and scholarships etc.

    Also as far as i know High-School is still a joke when it comes to what you actually have to learn. But people seem to relaize that rather late - when they finished it and go to university.

  10. text.

    1) will end up hurtig the system - people are lazy - when there is no control chances are your education will vastly differ depending on your teacher and school - which is a bad thing

    also you cherry picked one bad thing here

    2) Great idea - its well known but not realistic - who will pay for that? I think everybody agrees that smaller groups are better for kids and teachers but as i said who pays?

    3) open-ended? That can only end up awful - may i just say creationism?

    Also lets be honest here - teachers are most likely not that qualified in their field anyhow they are teachers - scientists or "specialists"

    Also learning those facts is a good thing - not because its that important but because kids learn how to learn

    Also your "research" thing souds nice in theory but lets be real here if you give kids a "free" topic to research and hardly any screening what do you think will realistically happen?

    The system can only change when society changes and actually sees knowledge as one of the most important things in life. Since this is not the case and nobody is willing to invest money i doubt anything will happen. Not to mention that the american educational system is probably one of the worse ones in western countries.

    Also in general you cant let kids choose to much. They have to get a basic knowledge. Point is most of those kids will not know what they want to do later on anyhow and many of them would probably just choose whatever is easiest.

    A thing i would change - which is rather easy is to make progression more dynamic so that smarter kids can progress trough classes faster and less smarter kids slower. The target should be to get everyone to a certain level while still giving them the chance to learn more.

    So in the end a better educational system is not a question of new ideas but about people willing to spend money with taxes.

  11. hi guys. If anyone is around London , we will be very pleased to showcase our Space-Simulator iOS in an iPad2/3/4 ...

    A honest question: WHY?

    - the game has probably a very specific target group

    - the platform you choose pretty much limits your options

    - especially your target group probably will dislike those options

    - 99% of the people on the platform will probably have no interrest in such a game

    - especially the target-group will probably not be the typical smartphone-gamer for obvious reasons (limitations in controls and complexity)

    So may i ask you why did you choose that platform and who is your target audience?

    (For example i do enjoy simulations and complex games - i do some casual-gaming aswell but i would never even think of playing time-consuming complex games on my smartephone because ohter platforms can offer way more)

  12. Its funny how kids seem to think that adults have no idea when the actually were kids at some point too. The most fun part is when you will realize yourself that you wont magically change when becoming an adult.

    Also as others said - enjoy your time in school. You will probably never have so much spare-time and so few worries about anything again. It is true that money kind of gives you freedom later on - but in the end it also gives you all the worries that come with it - way less spare-time and its not like most people have enough money to do whatever they want.

    But i do understand the point of view. I had the same one its rather funny but the more you progress the more you realize that it was better before. So whenver you get into a new stage of education you will only then start to realize how "relaxed" it was before.

    And depending on what you will do later on learning never stops. It gets worse - at least for me - i am actually rather annoyed by it at times - working 8 hours a day - going home - start learning ...

    And something most people will probably realize at some point - you dont change - people will be immature forever - difference is you will be rather careful when to show it.

  13. In case you missed it, Let's stoke this fire...

    Or are you internet wizards in all your infinite wisdom too old to see that?

    "I agree, if you can't handle the cops, the Chineese hackers or the NSA staring at your internet traffic, then go back to your tinfoil bunker, because the internet isn't run by a single entity and therefore cannot be changed by any one individual.

    The internet does not change, it evolves."

    This was the post i replied to.

  14. Who said I was born in 1996? Are you people blind, I clearly made a crap attempt at trolling/bating you for that post, and you're both falling head over heels to catch me out?

    WAIT, WHAT? Are you sure, you guys are not the infants?

    Hmm you seem to seek for approval. Yet all you did was post something without a hint on the internet. You do realize that its almost impossible to spot "fake posts" on the internet since you cant see mimic etc.

    My argument stays the same your some kid wasting others time in a thread with a serious topic.

    And all your postings just show what you actually want - approval ...

  15. Let's stoke this fire... I'm 17 going on 5 :D

    And as much as you hated that post... truth hurts don't it?

    Why would i hate your post? And why would something a random teen says about something he obviously has no clue about hurt me and be the truth?

    Truth is reading posts as yours i just facepalm and think to myself that you probably just dont know better which is sad. People are pretty fast to have an optinion on the internet without actually informing themselves.

    Anyhow what would one suspect growing up in the UK these days. I would actually never move there.

    Funny fact - have you ever researched what impact CCTV had on actual crime?

  16. I agree, if you can't handle the cops, the Chineese hackers or the NSA staring at your internet traffic, then go back to your tinfoil bunker, because the internet isn't run by a single entity and therefore cannot be changed by any one individual.

    The internet does not change, it evolves.

    I lack the words to even answer such postings.

    May i ask how old you are?

  17. I really don't see the problem with more cameras. As stated no-one is going to watch the footage without reason. You get murdered, the footage is there and the bad guys get caught. Great. You murder someone, the footage is there and you get caught, great. Nothing of note happens and....guess what, nobody watches the footage and nothing else happens.

    I find it strange that you feel that being caught on camera means there's someone watching the feed or tape later, they wont be unless anything gives a reason to do so.

    As mentioned before, you're neither that interesting or important for anyone to give two turds. 99.98% of all recorded footage from cctv is NEVER even seen by a human eyeball.

    Also, 75% of statistics are made up on the spot etc.

    - chances are probably 100% that depending on how many ppl get access the data will be abused

    - normally there are lots of eye-witnesses and a camera cant help you - its probably a nice thing to be able to rewatch the crime over and over ...

    - there is a huge interrest in this data which is a problem

    - the more data there is from one person the easier it is to accuse someone - lets say someone accueses you of XY - ppl start looking trough every bit of data about you and start to cherry pick everything you did wrong and come to the conclusion - yes im sure he s guilty

    - lets say XY is in power and wants to get rid of anybody who is not of his opinion - would be great for him to have all the data from the last few years on everybody

    There are lots of arguments that are wrong or simply not thought-out - i have given up on trying to lecture every single one - if you want to know read about germany in a certain period of time and the police at that time

  18. At the risk of beating a long-dead horse, I'll once again point out that KSP is a single-player game, and thus the definition of cheating is entirely up to the player.

    No its not - thats simply what people say to comfort themselves.

    Cheating is cheating - if you cant deal with this then you shouldnt cheat. There is a set of rules in the game that you alter to gain an advantage. Althogh i agree that cheating online and cheating SP is completely different. Also i agree that the definition of cheating is a bit of a problem since doing it SP without showing online etc. actually lacks the "immorality". But there are quite a lot of definitions of "cheating" anyhow.


    Is using an aimbot in a SP-Shooter cheating?

    Also yes cheating in SP is different as long as you dont brag with your "success" etc. online to intimidate others hiding the fact that its not actually your "success". So cheat as much as you want if it makes the game more fun for you - ppl did that all the time - there were times back in the 90s were cheats were actually included that added fun to the game (big heads and other crazy stuff).

    (BTW i also cheat im some games like Mincraft - but i do realize that i altered the rules to gain an unfair advantage and i wouldnt post stuff online without saying that)

    Also as i said before adding such mechanics in the game will probably destroy the game - ppl are lazy - at least i am so i will use whatever mechanic is deemed a "normal gameplay-mechanic". Problem is by using an autopilot a big part of the game is pretty much "lost" and the game will get boring rather fast.

    Since you didnt read my post i am for "programmable" autopilots that the players have to actually create for each of their space-ships. But not like Mechjeb which pretty much does everything for you.

  19. ISA MaptSat - More science = more fun

    Kethane Pack - If Kethane is not last material and its scan method will change into ISA scan style with searching for some hints of methane and then surface probing and collecting samples = OK

    Ion cross crew support - It is obvious isn't it = Kerbals needs to breath something so it needs to be in there

    Rocketry - Not necesseraly in state it is but for sure bigger sizes of parts which KSP needs pretty bad

    MechJeb"like" - Not directly MechJeb at first, but some primitive version of programable like kOS mod which you could develop into something like MechJeb

    On Autopilots:

    I think an autopilote would hurt the game a lot. It actually pretty much negates a big part of the game and as we all know people tend to use the tools they have at their disposal as efficient as possible so chances are most people would use it all the time. Which woul lead to the game beeing boring within a short amount of time. At least thats how i play games - i dont create random restrictions myself. From my point of view using an autopilot in KSP and arguing with the random arguments ppl use is like saying "Yeah i play Call of Duty in SP with an aimbot because im more into the walking arround part of the game".

    The real reason is probably that most people think its too difficult to pilote their rockets and give up. And i have to admit i have played a lot of games and "learning" KSP actually consumes a lot of time. KSP doenst need to get easier - its actually not that hard - but there have to be way better tutorials to teach people the basics and functions in a motivating way that wont overwhelm them. There are some good youtube-tutorials etc. but its hard to find them amongst all the other KSP videos.

    On the other hand as i said in a nother thread i would have no problems with an "autopilot" that has to be "programmed" in KSP by the user specifically for each built rocket. That would actually be realistic. An Autopilot that is made by a third person and can do anything even launches that shouldnt be possible is not realistic (just to counter the but NASA does it - no they dont have an autopilot programmed by one random person that works for every single rocket etc.)

    Mods i would add:

    - most of the mods for new parts that are balanced

    - procedural parts mods

    - im not sure about the better aerodynamics mod (Ferram Aerospace Research)

    - lights mods

    Things that need to be in the game:

    - Chatter Mod

    - Kerbal Engineering Data things

    - Alarm Clock mod

    - Part organizing mod

  20. I just came up with a sci-fi reason that actually makes sense:

    - just imagine the difference between a machine and a human encountering for example a living "space insect" on mars - the robot probably has no means to catch it and probably would even have a hard time to film it. A human on the other hand could react to the situation.

    So if you want to send another robot you would have to specialize it to do this new task and send it to mars - or finally send a human.

    It takes about 253 days to get to mars + development-time of the new robot or even development of a manned mars-mission (since in this scenario we dont even invest much money into manned-space programs since we deem them ineffective)

    So in the end even if the second robot or humans gets there years later chances are the thing is gone and we maybe wont have such an encounter for a while.

    But there are many other scenarious where the tools on the robot are not able to perform a certain task its not designed for. Especially when it comes to terrain.

    rather OT?:

    I was wondering if it is more efficient to have a big base in orbit or a big base on the moon to launch and or refill future space missions from orbit?

  21. I am completely against all of this. This has no place in the game until things have been optimized the game runds 64 bit and multicore.

    Simply because i would not trade of game-performance for some visual things i hardly care about.

    The idea is nice and hopefully will be implemented at some point but i dont see a place for such things until they optimize the game.

  22. As I've been reading the past few pages of this thread, and in particular the claim that any nations desire to send humans back to the moon is "for science," this is precisely the question that occurs to me.

    I see very few scientific reasons for people to be in space at this time, beyond the international space station or a similar low Earth orbit space station. Any science that humans can do on the moon with a one-shot trip can I would think be accomplished more safely and cheaply by robots. Not only that, but robots are semi-permanent and provide data over long spans of time. Humans require air, water, food and toilets. Humans want to come home. Humans have families. Humans can die. Humans are far more expensive to 'grow' and train than robots. If a robot can answer 99% of your scientific questions or even only 94%) for 65% the cost and effectively 0% the "risk" (in terms of human welfare) then robots are the way to go.

    Not only that, but what exactly do we (meaning HUMANITY) want out of space in the long-term: well-being, prosperity, knowledge, comfort, inspiration. Space can probably help us with those long-term goals, but we've got to take long-term visions for culminating the goals. Sending humans anywhere they do not 100% need to be in space at this point (and here I include with my eyebrows raised NASA's decision to send astronauts to rendezvous with an asteroid!?) does not seem to me to be contributing to the long-term vision.

    Long-term we want a substantial industrial and scientific presence on the moon (an international one in which the rewards are shared by all those who participate), a place to build amazing products, including space ships with the realistic capacity to travel efficiently and rapidly to the more remote parts of the solar system (Mars, asteroids, etc.) to survey the economic and scientific prospects there as well. Until real plans are on the board, I see little reason for humans to be landing on the moon. How can a human do anything at this point on the moon that contributes to the long-term vision of providing stepping stone to expand humanities reach in the solar system that a robot cannot provide?

    The only obvious motivation to send people anywhere (including NASA's intent to send people to an asteroid) seems to be propaganda.

    Actually human can do way more tasks than machines not to mention that the more complex machines get the more likely they will have technical problems they cant resolve themselves.

    Also especially when it comes down to research computers simply cant do everything that easy.

    Furthermore what is also pretty important is what space does to humans - you can hardly research that without humans.

    And last but not least - a machine can only do what it was planned to do beforehand which limits its options greatly not to mention that humans can actually deal with new situations. (which is a pretty important thing especially once machines are so far away thate remote-control is rather delayed)

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