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Posts posted by fresh_sms

  1. @fresh_sms: Probably not, but as I have written a few other utilities for KMP I'll knock up something in C# that dumps the vessel data in a sane format, probably CSV. It will help me understand the vessel code a little better...

    yeah!!! thanks very much for your work

    i'll glad to your message. i hope complete your work successful

    good luck!! and take care your health (here is winter: s.korea)

  2. @fresh_sms: Obviously forgot to reply to your post. Unfortunately it's a serialized vessel type, so nothing short of a C# wrapper that depends on the assembly/unityengine dll's is going to help :-/

    thank you for reply

    i found a solution of C# unserialization for php. but i cant use (i dont know how to use) hahaha and i was not became need this solution when i see your reply

    so, i want to get orbit info Apoapsis,Periapsis,inclination, for web from mysql. can you add this in new field of mysql when next?

  3. @fresh_sms, This is probably the best I can give you:


    To use MySQL, type these before a server start:

    /set useMySQL true

    /set mySQLConnString Server=localhost;Database=KMP;Uid=KMP;Pwd=KMPPass;

    Then just your normal /start command.

    You will have to create a KMP user, create KMP's database, and grant privs to KMP. The server will create the tables when it first runs.

    EDIT: My interim server is back up - chrisand.no-ip.info 2076, I'm going to do some profiling on the server (I think the CPU load is too high).

    EDIT 2:


    1. Each player has their own tech tree. There's an idea kicking around (nothing implemented yet) to allow giving of science points, or full co-op sharing like you suggested.

    2. Sometimes deleting vessels does not work. I recommend /set autoDekessler true (or just run /dekessler). It removes old debris.

    To force-delete a ship, you have to find its GUID with /listships, and then /deletevessel guid. I'll try to make it easier in 0.1.6 with name matching.

    thank so much

    string is mean that string!!

    very thanks

  4. tJhUl9G.png



    calendar for january

    saturday is blue

    sunday is red

    SSTO info :

    weight: 225Tons

    engines: b9 turbo jet * 8, rapier * 12 used

    cargo: small cargo 1, large cargo2

    third image more edited

    added effect : lens flare effect , aliasing reduced

    this all images for 1920*1080px screen

    want to bigger Image? click that

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