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Sapphire Snow Leopard

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That was excellent, truly. I read that to rock music and that made it all the more epic.
  2. Yes they all do, but those were early airplanes with but a few gauges and a flight stick. A spacecraft will have multitudes of instruments, some of which might not make sense to someone who went to school to be a scientist. As well, a less experienced pilot might not be familiar with all of the quirks and characteristics of the aircraft/spacecraft,
  3. No, I do not mean the failure of the game. If that happens, that should be an international day of mourning. Anyways, what I meant was, what will KSP's ending be like? I know that it might be a tad early to be wondering if KSP will ever have an ending, and if so then what it will be like, but I am still curious. Will it be the first interstellar flight? Will it be your retirement from the space program? What scenarios can y'all think of that might be a good ending? Obviously, KSP might not have an ending, as it is sandbox-like, but having some closure when you have hit the peak of the tech tree would be nice.
  4. Maybe the different types of Kerbals could have small, but noticeable, increases/decreases in stats? I.E: Even if you have a totally inexperienced scientist manning the helm of a spaceship, she can still fly, but with a slightly lower reaction time and maybe a tiny chance of a miscommunication, as in the spacecraft yaws right when you command left. If the buff is small enough, then a hulking mass of ducktape and wishes still won't be nearly as good as a finely tuned masterpiece even with a pilot who can practically mind-meld with his machine, and vice-versa. That is the key here. The pilot is important, but he needs a good box for his skills to truly be shown. Kerbals need justification, they are utterly useless at the moment as there are mods that make them completely unneeded even for EVA and surface sample reports. As well, when the economy system is introduced, it might be a nice bit of difficulty to have differently skilled Kerbals with different payrates, so you have to start out with the less skilled pilots and engineers and slowly train or hire better ones.
  5. The place will probably last for a while, it'll probably fair better than Mir since it wasn't built during a time of high tension and oppressive rule (I doubt that would make for excellent build quality), plus it has three space agencies working on it. Also, even after the Cold War, Russia couldn't maintain Mir because of the ISS. So, if the ISS is maintained well enough, I see no reason as to why it can't keep going. Although, I can't help but feel that it is probably futile. With the way the space agencies are going, the ISS' contributions might not mean anything in the long term.
  6. The 3 meter parts are unbelievably useful, they make launching a 2 meter spacecraft much easier, and the smaller (and larger!) engines allow for a lot more versatility. I don't have to strap my spacecraft to a gratuitous roaring thunderbolt of a launcher with KW, I can use an engine that has just enough power and be more efficient.
  7. I have seen an increasing trend of people disagreeing as to how the Career mode should work. Some want a huge, realistic solar system, some want the easy-science back, etc... I think this will only get worse as Career mode evolves. A one-size fits-all method won't work, and simply slamming the door on those who are opposing the changes won't help and might even hurt the game's future. I think KSP needs a difficulty selection that allows the player to trim the game to his/her skill level/preferences. I am no game programmer, but it doesn't seem like it would be difficult. I don't mean as in changing the order of the bodies or something huge like that, but simply altering a few more minor things. Example: A player can, at the creation of a career mode save, choose whether they want infinite experiment uses or not. Or, a player could choose how tolerant the prestige/money system is (when that is implemented, of course). They might also be able to choose whether the solar system is the current size, or realistically sized, or maybe even easy-mode where the distances are shrunk even more. I just think this will open the career mode to all different types of players, instead of just being locked on one level. I know, this can be done by altering the game's files, but that can be difficult and even dangerous.
  8. I don't know how much of an improvement Ferram Aerospace Research makes to the stock aerodynamics, but it certainly helps and makes the fairings worthwhile (a naked spacecraft will slow down a launcher with FAR installed). Squad hasn't talked about a core game feature for some time, just improving career mode, so I doubt this'll be added anytime soon.
  9. It's because KSP delivers an experience really unlike anything I have had before in a game. Most games draw your path, give you the things to explore the path, and then guide you the whole way through. KSP hands me a wrench, and says "Knock yourself out". The fact that I can play the game however I please is amazing, and the almost-realism is so much fun. The tension and satisfaction of a large-scale mission is a surprising joy. Basically, I started playing because I had watched a video on it. Been playing since... oh, .13 I think? Never lost it's appeal to me.
  10. AWOLNATION's Some Kind of Joke. Most of my space program is me breaking out in sadistic laughter as a spacecraft fails horribly so... yeah.
  11. Well, with a fresh install of KSP this magically started working. Would there be a way to have automatic parachute deployment for Kerbals that ejected from an aircraft? It's quite chaotic trying to save three crew when the plane is at low altitude.
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