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Everything posted by CARNAGE123

  1. I use a program that can export static models in varoius files, .dxf, .iges etc. I was hoping I may could offer my assistance in creating models (without textures). Can this in any way help people? I really dont want to learn a new software. Thanks
  2. I just tried the dev build 4.0 and it just causes other issues for me, mainly makes KSP crash to the desktop, once it even froze my entire computer lol. Im glad the 4.0 works for some people, since this is a really neat mod, but sadly for me it doesnt. No biggy. Everything is still in alpha, so its to be expected that things will break, Im just glad to hear that everything is ok and that the author will continue work once life isnt in the way lol.
  3. Not sure if referring to me, but I dont have the scanner on. I can literally just put the dish on my craft and halfway up it becomes unplayable. Take the dish off that same craft in the assembly without restarting and everything is hunky dory.This mod use to work awesome, then one day it said nope. I also have tons of resources, even though I dont have any pages up, it wouldnt matter anyways. My computer is freshly built and this game isnt anything to it (other than the general alpha bugs and unoptimization) Cant wait for the actual release so that everything becomes a lot more stable.
  4. It doesnt work very well for me. Everything loads fine, but when I put the satellite on my craft and launch, about the time that mechjeb does the gravity turn, I get unplayable frame rates. It took me forever to figure out which mod it was that did this, and sadly it was this one.
  5. ISA mapsat works, but when I put the satilite dish on my stuff, framerates drop to unplayable amounts. Took forever to figure out what was causing my issues.
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