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Jebidiah Prototype #3

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. RULES: 1. Stock parts only. 2. No infinite fuel debug cheat enabled. 3. You're allowed as many parts as you want. 4. A screenshot is required of debug console (ALT + F12) and speed. 5. Infi-gliders are NOT allowed. 6. No Mechjeb, or anything like that A speed challenge! Fastest person wins! Lets put Jebidiah to sham! (Wait my username's Jebidiah isn't i- DAMMIT!) The current leaderbords: 1. NOBODY! 2. STILL NOBODY! 3. THESE ARE STILL YET TO BE FILLED! Good luck, see yo- Oh, wait you've already gone..... *Sigh*
  2. 41:Make Apollo 13 in KSP and land it on the Mun 42:Kill Jebadiah 43:Mod Ksp hugely
  3. Dunno if this is possible, but try to get a near-circular orbit of around 3000m above sea level or whatever 100m above the surface of the Mun is, take a pic of your craft orbiting, and also the map view! (It doesn't matter if it's around 80-150m at its lowest point and 100-170 at it's highest point!) Good luck!
  4. Taking pic of "Car"... Usual route, no traffic here! http://lpix.org/1242045/KSP%202013-05-27%2017-23-13-38.jpg (Click the link)
  5. Scanning Comment... Reference Found.. I actually get that reference from Danny's Kirrim Kerman
  6. Running post comment.exe... Successful... Posting... I named a Kerbal after one of my enemies at my primary school, made him invincible and then used mods to make the moon & sun crash on him and stuff like that. But he's not my favorite . I've always been jealous of Kirrim Being a scecret agent, So yea Kirrim
  7. Running decision program..... Found stupidest and least likely to work Idea... Choosing... 'More Boosters' Jeb & 'Safety First' Bob
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