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Everything posted by SuperNova2015

  1. Oh, sorry for opening this thread then. It seems I missed that bit of news.
  2. So up until now I've been playing KSP without ever knowing how much deltaV my rocket had. I didn't see anything wrong with that. Until recently after I flew a mission to Duna. My fuel was low and my first launch window for Kerbin required a lot of deltaV so I waited years for a smaller burn only to discover that I had plenty of remaining fuel to make that first burn. In the end what would have been a 2.5 year mission ended up taking nearly 5 years all because of my faulty guessing. Feeling like a failure, I looked up how to calculate the deltav and then wrote a simple program in c++ that calculates how much deltaV a rockets current stage has. Here's the C++ code: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() { double totalMass, fuelMass, engineVelocity, deltaV, Isp; cout << "What is the total mass?" << endl; cin >> totalMass; cout << "What is the fuel mass alone?" << endl; cin >> fuelMass; cout << "What is the engines Isp?" << endl; cin >> Isp; engineVelocity = 9.8 * Isp; deltaV = engineVelocity * log(totalMass / (totalMass - fuelMass)); cout << "The DeltaV is " << deltaV << "." << endl; cin.get(); cin.get(); } After building this and using this little calculator for a few missions, I now feel idiotic for not doing this before. Until now I never realized just how big of a handicap I had been playing with. So in conclusion I now strongly believe that the deltav for rockets is the single most crucial peace of information missing from the stock game. In the least a level 5 pilot or engineer should be able to calculate the remaining deltav for the current rocket stage. Which could keep players like me all stock. And I have to ask if anyone else thinks Squad should add such a feature to the game.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks larger landing gear is more important than MK3 cargo bays? The current landing gear is already starting to look small on some of my MK2 space planes. So I can only imagine this problem getting much worse in .90.
  4. Problem fixed! After placing my object, then hitting ctrl + k to exit the menu, it was dropping about 50 meters for some reason (probably had something to do with the origin point of the model). Anyway, after editing the altitude value a second time it held its position. I thought it was falling until it collided with the ground, but I was wrong. It was just falling. lol
  5. Is there a way to place objects in the air or clip them through the terrain? I'm trying to place a runway onto the side of a mountain, but it keeps dropping onto or falling through the ground. The only way I see around this is to make a really tall platform with no collider underneath to make it look like everything is touching the ground. Or could I be doing something wrong?
  6. I'm working on a little personal project right now making planets and stuff in 3D. I made a few planets that I would love to see in Ksp. Would rather you visit the link http://imgur.com/gallery/2JgIY.
  7. After much testing on Mun I decided it's time to go to Minmus and Duna for the first time, and at the same time. Here's the link http://imgur.com/gallery/V0BNo.
  8. Yes I know that someone has probably posted on this before and that there is already a cloud mod, but I want MORE!!! That cant be asking too much especially for Kerbin and Eve, which are just incomplete without clouds. Adding an additional low-poly sphere around the planet with an alpha map and adding that to the planets ray-trace calculations would make things look a thousand times better when in space and near the ground (this is extremely easy and even I've done it in my own little experiments). And it shouldn't affect the fps much ether.To make things even better when in between space and the ground hide the cloud sphere and add clusters of 2D sprites like in Flight Simulator, ace combat, Just Cause and hundreds of other tittles. To me Kerbin and Eve are eyesores without clouds. Jool and possibly Laythe should have clouds as well though Jool probably wouldn't look much different considering Jupiter's Clouds. And on a different topic entirely sandstorms on Duna would be sooooooooooo Epic!!!
  9. What could possibly be better than a planet with rings like Saturn, and some tiny moons within those rings? I can see it now, gazing past the epic space rings while making my descent toward one of the moons (preferably landing near one of the poles for best view) or the planet itself.
  10. What could possibly be better than a planet with rings like Saturn, and some tiny moons inside those rings? I can see it now, gazing past the epic space clouds while making my descent toward the low orbit moons (preferably at the pole for best view) or the planet itself.
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