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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've read nearly all this forum and have seen a lot of really complicated and unpractical examples so here is my own actually useful example: When you have mining and refueling station at Minmus orbit and want to continue for example to Jool. Than it is better to at first lower you periapsis to 71km near Kerbin and at this point start to thrust for Jool. Why? Because while you need to spend some dV around 200m/s to lower your Pe then you get much faster at Pe(in order to get to Jool) and it means that gravity of Kerbin has shorter time to slow you down than it had for accelerating you when you've been going towards Pe and because difference in time is quite large you not only get back yours 200m/s but even more. And that is Oberth Effect which explains why longer road(by distance) is actually shorter in terms of dV. Another Similar situation can be met when going from Layethe back to Kerbin
  2. High guys, this thread should be for anyone who came across problem of designing inlets for their SSTOs. It means, make engine with more inlets which doesn't look silly. Or even try to design some really badass looking engines. Please try to post there engines which can be taken out from your plane and put to any other aircraft.
  3. I had same thing on my mind for last three days. Its especially tedious work because of long loading times. Its also not possible to rename ship without control pod. When we are speaking about managing flights it would be nice to be able to turn ship into debris.
  4. Hi all, there is my spaceliner. Maybe its not the most beatiful spacecraft ever, but it can took 13kerbals and half of orange tank to 130 x 130 orbit. With takeoff weight just 50t. It means that nearly 40% of its weight makes actually usefull payload:cool: (ofcourse fuel for return and rcs are not counted as usefull). You have propably done better, but for me its quite an achievement. Its purpose is to take large numbers of kerbonauts and keourists to space station along with some fuel. If you have any advices for future improvements please post, especially i would like to get rid of those ugly nacelets but i dont, know how. fly responsibly Chobot
  5. I would like to have slightly wider runway with navigation lights . if you have ever seen how looks airport in the night, the KSC runway is rather dark (and whole KSC too). It is sometime pain to try to land large space planes to the strip, especially when you need flat approach angle, you can't clearly see beggining of the runway . What is your opinion? Chobot
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