Space tourism contracts: - Build Space Resorts: * Kerbin Galactic would like you to build a space motel in orbit around x (i.e. Duna), with power, habitation module and cupola * Kerbaton wants you to establish a land resort on Duna, with power, habitation module and a dockable rover - Send Crew and tourists to the established resorts: * Admin Kerman was nominated as the Manager of Kerbaton's Duna Resort - get him to the resort * Leonardo de Kerman wants to visit Kerbin Galactic's Duna space motel - Get him to the space motel and back to Kerbin * Tom Kerman want to tour Duna's surface - Take him to Kerbaton's Duna resort, drive him around in the rover, get him back to the resort, get him back to kerbin I don't know if you can do this kind of contracts, as the game will need to realize you first need to be contracted to setup the "resort", and then have you send kerbals to a specifically identified resort you have already setup - can the contract system do that?