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Everything posted by Nascosto

  1. For me it started with not being able to launch a ship at all, VAB buttons didn't work, and from there went on to total freeze up if I tried to hire a new kerbal. I didn't have any currently available and hiring caused issues, so I went all out and terminated all my active kerbals. Magically they showed up as available again.....but still can't do much without a freeze up at KSC now. I've tried editing the persistent file, but didn't have much success. Anyone feel like taking a look? http://pastebin.com/DHZS8v75
  2. I've been seeing a lot of incredible motherships and carriers coming out of this pack, but it always looks a little funny to me to see them daisy chain adapters and then fit one of the tiny(in comparison) little command pods at the nose. Are their any plans to (or mods that already have) implement a large bridge-style mothership command pod? If not no worries, the pack is glorious and I'm far from wanting to complain. Thanks for your work!
  3. If I've got some crazy ridiculous ship in orbit that runs off of old B9 parts it's pretty much going bye bye regardless then, yeah?
  4. I downloaded the Deprecated file to keep my old ships up and running, but I thought I heard once I had "Converted" my ships to the new I shouldn't need it anymore. Is that as simple as unlocking the parts in the R&D section for my save and then deleting the deprecated config? Trying to clean up the part clutter a bit, and the old deprecated is throwin' m'groove off! Any tips?
  5. I use SimplePartOrganizer, and Editor extensions for symmetry options. I tried part catalog but it was just too much for me. SPO: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220245-simple-part-organizer-version-1-2-1 EE: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-0-24-Editor-Extensions-v1-3-19-Jul-2014-(EdTools-Editor-Tools-replacement)
  6. So if I've downloaded the 32bit version of some mods and start running 64bit down the line when it's a bit more stable, will I need to hunt down which ones I've done 32bit on and replace them with their 64bit versions or should I be good to go? Should I just say screw it and default to choosing 64bit versions?
  7. I tried Part Catalog one time and immediately went back to this. Simple and sweet!
  8. The Formula you linked actually has a little bit more to it in order to understand it intuitively. You know it better as (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1). It's literally the slope formula. However, instead of Y1, we use "f(x)". Instead of Y2, we use "f(x+h)" where h represents how far away x-wise the second point is from the first. For X1 we just use X, and for X2 we use "x+h". The thing is, the top stays exactly like you'd expect. The bottom however simplifies pretty significantly, because when you subtract x from (x+h), you just get h. Calculus, at least Derivatives, revolve around what happens when h gets very very small, or when the two points you're finding the slope between get very close together. The closer they get, the less the slope changes, and by looking at those patterns we can see what the slope is heading towards if those two points were to intersect. This is terrible terrible official form and people will go all ape**** to hear me say it, but in layman's terms, Derivatives represent the instantaneous slope of a curve at a given point. - your friendly, lowly, high school math teacher.
  9. I have too large stations that were meant to be docked together, but when I dock a tug to one of them to push it into rendezvous with the other...my computer completely freezes, every time. They're pretty part heavy so I guess I got what was coming to me, but it was a tragedy.
  10. I know it's been said before, but this has definitely changed the way I play KSP. After 3 days of trying to build launchers to get my 120 ton moon lander/rover to the mun and wanting to give up, this did it with only a little bit of extra strutting. Unreal, thanks a ton!
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