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Posts posted by Kerberos42

  1. 14 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

    The Null error is most likely coming from one of the mods you have installed ... In order to find out exactly what is happening you will need to upload your KSP.log to a file sharing site and post the link here so that I or someone else who is willing can look in the log and see what is causing the issue (KSP.log can be found in your KSP directory)

    As for saves .... Even if you haven't saved, the game does do the occasional autosave and you will find the last 5 autosaves in the Backup directory ... [your KSP directory]/Saves/[whatever your game was named]/Backup

    Hope this helps


    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into my saves.  Here's the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ndy5mu0tewzpfo1/KSP.log?dl=0


  2. I'm running 1.3.0 with the following mods:

    All the NearFuture stuff

    I have a Career mode game going, that I've been playing for a couple years now off and on, and is currently in Year 4 kerbal time.  I have many flights in progress including rovers on Mun, Minmus & Duna, and a deep space comms network to support them.  Needless to say I don't want to lose any of this.

    I recently started building a station in LKO to support interplanetary manned missions.  Last night I launched a supply probe that consists of 6 KIS storage containers that I then mount to the struss structure of the station.  These containers are stabilized to the probe with some struts.  I sent my engineer out to do the necessary work, and when he detached the first strut something glitched and he went spinning away from the station at warp speed. I managed to stabilize him, and get him headed back to the station but he ran out of monopropellent.

    So I needed to launch a rescue shuttle.  That's when I found out I couldn't go to the Space Center either from the top blue button, or from the ESC pause menu. Only Save, Load, and Settings work from the Pause menu.  Looking in the Debug menu, every time I click Space Center, Tracking Station, or Quit, I get: Exception: NullReferenceException: Object not set to an instance of an object.

    Quitting KSP via ALT + F4, reloading my saved game and selecting either the station, or my orbiting engineer results in the same behavior.  Loading any other vessel is fine, but then the behavior returns as soon as I switch back to the station or Kerbal.

    I'm not really in the habit of making saves as I go along, other than quick saves just before particularly challenging maneuvers, so the only quick save I have is from long before the station was started. and I really don't want to have to rebuild it, as there was a lot of science mining to unlock the parts I needed first.

    Is there any way to "go back in time" with the existing autosave function?  Or, is it possible to track down the NullReference error and fix it somewhere?

  3. 9 hours ago, Cubfan said:

    Nicely done. You never forget your first base.

    I really like the SPH for building rovers. It's already horizontal, and you can lower it to the ground to make sure your wheels are actually level (I've messed that up a couple of times). Then just attach them to your rocket in the VAB with the root button.

    As for power, fuel cells are always a great idea. As long as you're drilling (and I'm sure you are), they create more juice than they burn in fuel. So you'll get a surplus out of them. Just depends how much you need. And maybe attach 'em to an action group so you can turn them on and off easily whenever needed.

    Thanks I'll look into the drilling.  I did throw a drill on the base just to make it look more "munar basy" without really knowing what its for. This is the first time I've really spent any time on a surface, I've always done orbital flights.  I did find out what was draining power, I never realized that the heat radiators consume power, which I suppose makes sense.

    Just touching down

    Night time before power loss

  4. 9 hours ago, Cubfan said:

    The VAB is trying to connect the root part of each module together. That's why it turns sideways. Just change the root part of each module you want to connect. In the VAB, the little buttons at the top for Move, Place, Rotate, Root. Hit the root button and choose the docking port as the new root part. Do it on each module, save them, then try to merge them again. They'll connect nicely at the docking ports.

    Perfect, I knew it was something dumb. That did the trick.

    I'll try the SPH method if assembling, in this case the rocket is already built, just had to mate the two parts.

    I was ultimately successful (after a few stabs at F9).  Three modules assembled in Munar orbit, and then de-orbited as one unit into a crater.  Not bad for my first base.  One small issue though, something is draining power at night, so its runs out of juice.  I've turned everything off, but I cant figure it out.  However in true Kerbal fashion, I'm launching a mission to bring moar batteries.


  5. I'm working on a Munar base consisting of modules built in the SPH to be assembled in Munar orbit and then landed all together.  When I try to attach the subassembly to the SLS in the VAB I'm not able to connect to the docking port assigned for this purpose.  It will only connect perpendicular to the Hub Max in the center of the module which forms a T with the launcher.  This is not ideal.

    I feel like this has got something to do with the command module orientation of the base module being perpendicular to the launcher.  The SLS uses a remote guidance unit, and the base module will be unmanned. The only connection point available is so that the base command module (cupola) is in the "up" position.

    I think I'm missing something obvious, but cant quiet put my finger on it.


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