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Everything posted by Trumps

  1. I sent three missions one after the other to minimus to setup the mining base. Exactor and Refinery are just reaching minimus now only 10mins apart. So some nice quick retrograde and establish orbiting to do and then the bas module with Crew Hab arrives about an hour later. Was so much fun sending them all up and watching them all fly out there one after the other.
  2. 349hrs here. Had since 0.20.. Family gets in the way or it would be much higer..lol
  3. This is a day or so old. Since then i have added another Orange fuel tank on the same dock as the other tank. I also deorbited the space tugg as it was crap really. Docking mast still to be added and maybe a couple more fuel tanks. Lag is starting to become an issue. And the crashing of the game too. I was within 1.5mtrs last nite when KSP locked up and crashed. 1hour of docking manuvers down the drain..lol
  4. Hey All, Thought i would complete my story of my first space Station. Where we left update one the AAD had managed to dock my emergency Fuel resupplier to the strandard Crew Module and space tug and were having a rest before heading off to intercept and dock with the SSA (Space Station Arnold). Docked!!!!. After being strandard in space both of our lost Kerbal's ar reunited with rest of the SSA habitants. Our Kerbal Designer's put together this little beauty called the AAD Pitstop Supplier MK1-23. Basiclly it has small Fuel tank with a crap load of RCS on it to top off the SSA's tanks when needed. Pitstop docked and transfering fuel and RCS. After two successful mission. The AAD have decided that the SSA needs some power mast. The team created this beautiful design. Here it is seperating from some of the lifter. All controllers were on the edge of the seats as the power mast approached the SSA to dock. We added one why not two. A second mission was put togther to replicate the power mast and launched. A call from Mission Control at the AAD came through to Decouple the last part of th lifter. Bill Watched as the section slowly drifted back into the Kerbin Atmos. After intecrpt was achieved all that was left was to de orbit the orbiting engine. High fives and back slaps all round as the second power mast locks into place and the SSA is really coming to life.(Enough power to run a small country anyway) Kerbals are not the type to rest on their laurels. So a second fuel tank was ent up to compliment the Refuelling Depot section. At the same time we decide to move the space tugg to a new docking port. P.s Unfortunately we had a marjor docking port issue with the space tugg. A decesion was made to have Bill eva back to the SSA and to re orbit the space tugg. (Replacement will be designed shortly) Thanks Director of Flight Operations Arnold Aerospace Division Part of the Trumpico Group.
  5. Thanks all. Scott's videos help immensely. More flights on the weekend. Will post update when I have time. Damn work. Didn't all go to plan.
  6. AAD have entered a new era. The two pieces of the Space Station Arnold(SSA) has been launched and have docked in orbit. Has a current Crew of 5 Space After a bit of soul searching by all. A second rescue mission was launched. This time a refueller was designed to not only restock the tanks of the space tug but to also continue on to the SSA and become the start of the refuelling section of the SSA. It was thought to make this one a remote unmanned mission (lets not risk anymore lives hey). Launch was successful and orbit was achieved. SSA Intercept course was inputted and after several controlled burns we managed to matched velocity and orbits. Now mission controlled decided that a rest was in order before trying to intercept the SSA.
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