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Everything posted by seanth

  1. I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean at the very start? If so, the missing Kerbal Space Center is a known problem that will (hopefully) be fixed on our end in the next point release. Click on the buttons to the left of the screen to go to the various buildings. EDIT: Are you seeing something like this?
  2. Example auto-generated wiki entry: EDIT: There was a problem with the site hosting my images All these values (except mass and rotational period) were calculated by feeding the mass of Kerbol. Compare to the official wiki page. Is this something people would be interested in as a part of the output? I can get the rotational period of the stars to be generated based on star temp. It'd be a bit of a kludge, but we could just say hotter stars rotate faster.
  3. That could be done using a truncated normal distribution function. Have the lower value be the central blackhole's roche limit, and the upper limit be the max radius for the galaxy
  4. I've been trying to help @daniel l. out a little--thus far just by assisting in streamlining code and setting up an unofficial github repository. It feels like I reached a point where I can start thinking about adding features, so I thought I'd ask people what they'd be interested in. Here are some ideas: A supermassive blackhole (Kraken?) that all the stars orbit. Along with this: should the orbit lines of stars be visible A patch to let To Boldly Go work well with Research Bodies Automate star generation more based on real-world scaling relationships Auto-generate wiki pages for each star made by To Boldly Go Other ideas? EDIT: Example disc galaxy with star orbit lines visible. I personally think it looks too busy. EDIT EDIT: There was a problem with the site hosting my image.
  5. @mario-sov: I have this working, but the space center is partly embedded into the terrain and the flags at the flagpoles are deformed. After I go into a building or something and then return to the space center, everything seems ok. Is this "normal"?
  6. How would you envision that working when you make a new universe? A "start in random star system" option? Would it be Kerbin in a new system, or the KSC showing up on a random planet?
  7. Are there specs somewhere that explain the brightnessCurve? I can find lots of examples, but no breakdown of what the key values are
  8. An odd question: can one make clouds appear in orbit around a body? I was thinking about nebulae, and started wondering if the visual enhancements could be used to make CLOUDS! IN! SPACE!
  9. Thx. Brightness curves are something I haven't looked at, so the github wiki is just a stub for that. Time to look closer I guess.
  10. I'm helping @daniel l. with To Boldly Go, and I have been trying to figure out how to tone down the brightness of new stars seen from the surface of Kerbin. What property should I be adjusting to make new stars dimmer as seen from Kerbin? sunlightIntensity?
  11. Weeeelllll... I wouldn't say it isn't ready. The problem I have is that I changed too much of how it works. It's too different from @daniel l.'s qbasic code in how it works. In an ideal world, the qbasic and python versions will work in the same way. The seeds won't result in the same outcomes (due to language differences), but the underlying methods, assumptions, and mathematics should be the same.
  12. At the risk of going out on a limb too far... I've been helping @daniel l. out a little, and made a github repository to make my life easier. Right now, I'm limiting what I'm doing to streamlining Daniel L's existing qbasic code, but I have a python port of his code that makes stars and planets have a more planar orbits. Examples are here and here. It even produces wiki pages for each star. The plan is that after I finish streamlining the existing code, I can start introducing new things.
  13. I was looking at the code a bit. @daniel l.: shouldn't the planet and moon flightGlobalsIndex be somehow related to the planet/moon type they are based on? Right now it reads like it's just being set to a random number between 1000 and 11000.
  14. Could it be related to galaxy type? I never made anything but a disc-type, and the .bas and python port worked fine for me. (Mac OS 10.12)
  15. @daniel l. would have a better grasp on this, but it feels like you either have _lots_ of stars and planets that are loading, or something is malformed with the cfg that is made. Edit: have you tried making a new galaxy with just 5 stars?
  16. Can you give a screenshot? There is a known bug with Kopernicus involving the KSC not appearing after you start a game, but that doesn't sound like what you're describing
  17. Anyone gotten this to work using OS X 10.12? I can successfully install QB64 open the .bas and build a binary, but when I try and run it, it does nothing. No errors. Nada. EDIT: got it. For mac users, edit out line 10. 'SYSTEM That at least allowed it to launch
  18. Could you go into more detail about "generate more realistic rings"? Do you mean something like rings appear in a planet's Roche limit?
  19. I don't have anything installed to run qb64 files, but I will look at your code Edit: code looks fine to me, in how it's structured
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