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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. AHA! Thank you good sir or madam. I tried that before but to no avail; I guess I must have done something a little bit different than what you told me. All is good now, and I learned that you can't copy the root part. I really appreciate the feedback guys. Thanks!
  2. I have one girder with four panels attached to each side of it, so the top and bottom are exposed; but whenever I click on the girder, which would be the central object, it doesn't duplicate anything. It just picks-up the girder with the panels attached, as if I had just clicked it. And I know that my alt key works because I can duplicate other things.
  3. Greetings kerbinauts, I have a question that no doubt someone knows the answer to. What defines an "assembly" in KSP? I've been trying to duplicate a "Modular Girder Segment" with four "M-1X1 Structural Panels" attached to it, but it won't let me duplicate the whole assembly; I can only duplicate the individual parts. I've tried a few different things to see if I could turn it into one whole assembly and duplicate all of it, but I've not figured out how to yet. So hopefully one or more of you can tell me how, if at all, it's doable.
  4. @FITorion Nah, no mods. but it seems it's fairly common issue anyway so no worries. As for everyone else: Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback. I thought it was funny when it just exploded out of no where, and it's not much work to put another into orbit. I didn't care much about my save anyway, I was more concerned with the bug in general and what might, and apparently has happened to some people with more to loose than my self; all I have to worry about is school, so I can only imagine how bad it would suck to come home from a bad day at work and then have your whole freaking space base explode. Like what happened to sapphire for example. But as long as it's a known bug then all is good. Thanks again, glad I didn't waste the developers time on it. ...space kraken ate my ship, hehehe. I learned of the real dangers in space today.
  5. Hey there guys, so I ran into something interesting but wasn't sure if I should post a bug report on it or not; so I thought I should ask here first. I had just got my "fueling probe" on a close intersect with my "Mun base living quarters", which needed refueling before making the burn to meet the Mun. So I fast forward to the encounter and then begin making adjustment burns to dock my fueler to the living quarters. After a few minutes, I was doing the last burn with my main engine to close the distance between them before switching over to RCS. I got within 3 km, then 2 km, and as soon as I got within 1 km my living quarters just exploded! I then went back to the space center and then to the tracking station, switched to my "living quarters', hit the "Fly" button, and when it switched me to the space craft my game froze and then crashed. Which it did again when I reloaded and tried to fly it a second time. It had been in a Kerbin Orbit for about 10 in-game days and had been fine until I got within 1 km, but then it went boom. I had it secured with struts and even test landed it on Kerbin a few times; as well as driving it around the space center, being as it had wheels to make connecting it to other parts of my base easier. So I'm horribly confused as to why it just exploded all of a sudden. There wasn't any debris or anything. I haven't tried to reproduce it, I'm not sure that I could. What do you guys think, something I should report or just a one-off random thing?
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