No, it wasn't the time my (3rd replacement) Mantis rover's descent stage (on account of a sloppy de-orbit and landing trajectory) smashed into the Mun after running out of fuel smearing an unfortunate kerbal over the landscape, but the 4th rover - after a perfect detach from the descent stage about 1m off the surface of the Mun, absolutely stationary, without even so much as needing to repair a wheel - within a couple of km while being driven towards the main base went over the edge of an enormous crater and got smashed to a million pieces as it rolled down the side. The kerbal driving did have enough rocket pack fuel to fly himself to the base and arrive very sheepishly without his Mantis rover. After losing the 5th rover in different circumstances (but again involving driving over the edge of a crater), a 6th one is now on its way (and will have to pick up the driver of the 5th who didn't have enough rocket pack fuel to fly back to base).