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Everything posted by RobSan

  1. I found that when I build a B9 HX Ship, I can't put any docking ports on the ship. If I do, it causes the ship to fall apart on the launch pad. I thought I solved it using the radial point attachment and placing the docking pork on that, but once in orbit the two ships seem to tear each other apart and explode. Its pretty dramatic.
  2. Awesome parts. Made an awesome StarCruiser!
  3. Here are some screenshots of my latest ship, the KSP StarCruiser. I used parts from the B9 Aerospace pak. The most interesting part about it uses a JumpDrive to jump into orbit, or other plant orbit depending where you insert your Jump Beacon. It allows me to get this massive cruiser off Kerbin and jump after 1000 meters from liftoff without having to refuel it in orbit for days. Hope you like it.
  4. it's easier to see the entire build without scrolling up and down all the time.
  5. I got it working finally. Had to stich it together using Quantum Struts. It's perfectly balanced and flys manually, so much better than using MechJeb. Boy! It uses a lot of fuel. Working on refueling it in orbit. I've landed it perfectly twice so far on Kerbin.... on-wards and upwards! I want to thank everyone who has done this before... I learned so much reading this thread. To DevoGen... I am awestruck by your modeling skills. Hat tip! http://i.imgur.com/Cjuk6Wl.jpg' alt='Cjuk6Wl.jpg'>
  6. Does anyone have a WT-51 crafted already? I've built 50 of them and they all fall apart at the seams no matter how many struts and girders I slap on the thing.
  7. I wanted to show off my Kethane Eagle Miner... I am a huge fan of Space 1999 and love the Wayland mod pack for this. I used the Eagle structure to mount two 4k Kethane Storage Tanks, a large Kethane Drill, the KethaneElectric Reactor, the Fuels Converter, Large Kethane Detector, and enough RocketMax Batteries to provide me over 35k Amps to power my operations. Hope you all like it.
  8. Thanks 3_bit. I find that the KSP world takes up any available free time and is a good way to relax.
  9. Yes, exactly! I think this would be a nice project to achieve quiet cooling.
  10. I want to sink my motherboard into a vat of peanut oil and setup a heat exchanger from a fridge coil to cool the oil to freezing. Just a thought
  11. The trailer looks like a blast! I want to see it.
  12. I just started playing and already added a Nvidia 660 TI Graphix Card to my computer. How's that for being a fan!.... also planning my next MoBo adn CPU purchase to support multiple GPUs.
  13. One day I will figure this all out!
  14. Just wanted to drop in and say I love KSP!
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