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Posts posted by Ekscalybur

  1. no i've never had so many things in orbit at once to collide.

    I'm the same way now.

    I wasn't before.

    I moved a newly coupled station into a circular orbit, only to watch the old part get obliterated by the final lifting stage of the new part. From that point on, the first thing I do when launching KSP is to go to the tracking center and clean up any debris in orbit or anywhere else for that matter. I was literally heart-broken after that collision happened, it was the first time I docked anything and didn't look like a complete amateur doing it. Then I realized who exactly was the person responsible for leaving those tanks and engines zipping around.

  2. There are an unrealistic amount of craters on the mun... Our moon has much less

    I'm REALLY glad I wasn't the only one who seriously scratched their head when they read this. This statement made me question whether the poster had ever seen a picture of the Moon. There are very, very large swaths of landscape on the Moon that is either in a crater, or is the slope of a crater wall. There are even several instances of crater-ception. Craters, inside of craters are that are inside of even larger craters.

  3. Balloons would be a viable 'space elevator' design, getting around that whole cable becoming heavier than its ability to carry headache. Four platforms each holding large fillable balloons would allow them to lift variable weight payloads to just shy of the edge of the atmosphere.

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