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Snow Leopard

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I usually name my programs after what they do. For example, my LKO shuttle program is the SpaceGlider program. Smaller missions usually just have acronyms, such as MRP (Munar Rover Program). I save the nicer names for the ships themselves. For example, the shuttles have names like Innovation and Frontier. Rovers are named similarly, such as Perception and Intuition. Sometimes it can be fun to mimic real programs, with stations such as Munlab.
  2. It's got to happen at some point. A ringed planet would be the icing on the planetary cake (plus several large and small moons). I disagree with those who say that there's nothing or very little to do on most of the planets. There's no doubt that there could be more to do, sure, but just being there is part of what makes KSP so fun!
  3. Voted! Looks like KSP has the most chance of winning by far.
  4. That would have to be my fleet of top-mounted shuttles, the SpaceGliders. As you can see below, they are capable of lifting moderately sized cargo into LKO, and with more powerful launchers, to orbit around the Mun, Minmus and sometimes around the Sun. I've launched probes with them to Eve and Duna, landers (both manned and unmanned) to the Mun and Minmus, as well as constructing a large station in LKO and a smaller station in Munar orbit.
  5. Totally agree, something exactly like the Mk3 Fuselage - same dimensions and shape, even the same texture.
  6. This is an awesome mod, exactly what I was looking for.
  7. What I would really like to see at this point is at least one other gas giant, preferably with a ring system and several moons. It should also be extremely far away, almost half Jool's distance from the Sun. It should be the final big destination, after you've visited everywhere else. Aside from new planets, I'd really like to see improved terrain. Way more craters and tall mountains on Duna, maybe even a large valley somewhere on the planet. It's these things that make the real planets cool, it would be awesome to explore things like them in KSP. It would give a reason to build bigger and better rovers that can traverse complex terrain too. A game mechanic I would love to see is things that can affect the duration of missions. For example, decay on RTGs, which could be realistic - when we time warp in KSP it is possible to skip forward quite a few years, some of my missions are up to 7 years or more. That's more than enough time for these power sources to become less efficient. Another thing I'd really love is dust and other elements on certain planets (such as Duna) that could effect solar panels. This could tie in with weather (which is also an important thing in my opinion), which could clean off the solar panels periodically, but not very often. If you didn't get a weather event for a while and your solar panels got too dusty, that would be the end of the mission. If you had kerbals nearby, or it was a manned mission, they could clean the solar panels too (much like you repack chutes). I'm not expecting any of this in 0.22, or even 0.23, but I think some of it would really boost the realism and benefit the game. Especially things that can shorten the life of missions, thus providing reasons to build new ones every so often, and maintaining the ones you've got. That's a game mechanic that would be really nice in my opinion.
  8. Here's Perspective, my new Duna rover. Quite a challenge to land it, but glad I did!
  9. For me it's got to be rendezvous, let alone docking!
  10. My latest unmanned Mun rover-lander combo: Very happy with the design of both, took a lot of trial and error to get to this point. The design is completely stock btw.
  11. That's exactly what I was thinking. You could also use the same system to put your flag on a ship. It would just be so cool to write the mission's name on the side of a fuel tank, a rover name on the rover, etc. This needs to happen!
  12. That looks quite good, I might give it a go. It really would be cool to do it the way I proposed though, don't you think?
  13. Hey everyone! I'd love to be able to write a ship's name (or any text for that matter) on a part of the ship - I can see it working like this: You have a 'text' tool in the utilities section which you can place on a part of a ship. Once placed, a box could pop up prompting you to change the text written there. It should be quite restrictive - just a simple font, maybe just a few colours to choose from, if not just black, to help prevent garish 'designs' on ships. If there's an add-on that already does this I'd love to know what it is! Thanks.
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