So there is this website called LEGO Cuusoo, where people can submit their ideas and then if they get enough support from other members (10,000) then the project is put into a review by LEGO with several other projects that have reached 10,000 supports, and if LEGO feel that the project has great potential they will make it into a real LEGO set! I took a shot at making a Kerbal themed LEGO project. I'm still working on the project so it'll be continuously updated but I'd love for anyone on this forum, Kerbal or LEGO fans, to head over and quickly make an account and click the big green support button! It'd mean a great deal to me if you guys helped me get the project to 10,000, feel free to leave a comment here or on the project's comment section if you want me to add something to the project or anything like that. Thank you so much for your time! -OverTheHill