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    Curious George
  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0wlezobxrvze50/Lancer.craft?dl=0 The Lancer isn't the largest, nor the fastest, or even the highest-flying plane ever built. It doesn't carry many crew either. It's just a great plane to fly in atmosphere like you'd fly a regular large jet. I love flight sims, and flying this thing is a lot of fun if you like to fly planes that handle like modern commercial jets ranging to fighters. What makes this plane special is that it is one of the most balanced planes I've ever constructed. By that, I mean that it is incredibly stable when you let it hold its course, and at the same time, it responds to pitch like nothing I've ever built. She will pitch up 30 degrees or more from prograde without much effort, right up to about mach-1, but isn't squirrely or unpredictable in the least. I'd recommend great caution when adjusting pitch with keyboard controls, and for best experience, use an analogue stick. runway landings are a dream.
  2. Made an account on here just to post in this thread, because this project is the first one I've seen that I might actually be able to make a meaningful contribution to, given my skill So, is there some set of rules as far as what we are building? Sounded like most of the grid within the metropolitan area has already been divided up amongst several members of the community; If I ever wanted to add my own contribution to the surrounding area, who do I need to talk to to ensure that myself and somebody else involved don't build on the same area before everybody's content is compiled? I took a lot of architecture and CAD classes at a technical school before I moved to the college of engineering, and it remains to be one of my favorite creative outlets, and I'd love to get involved in this project, or the construction of other areas around Kerbin!
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