After sending a large Saturn V replica to the Mun, I decided to see what the smallest rocket would be that I could get there and return to Kerbin. Jebediah was onboard, and all went well until the transfer. I used more fuel than was necessary on that stage, which would lead to problems later. I got in orbit around the Mun, and landed. Jebediah planted his flag, and I did some science 'experiments' using the stock science appliances. At this point, I had to quit KSP to do other things. Next time on KSP, and I found out why I shouldn't have landed on a hillside. The lander was bouncing around uncontrollably. Worse still, one of the landing legs broke off, which meant that I had no choice but to do my launch immediately. I got in a Munar orbit, and then found I had 10 units of fuel left; not quite enough to get on a return trajectory. Now I had to launch a rescue mission to save Jebediah. Bill and Bob were selected to rescue him, and this time I decided not to take any chances with the fuel. This time, I used my Saturn V replica, sans the lander module and with a spare seat in the command module. This mission was more uneventful, and after I rendezvoused with Jeb, I had a large surplus of fuel (my rescue mission's transfer stage not being used up). This was probably the first time that the transfer stage was used for both transfers, and the rocket very quickly was returned to Kerbin. I feel a bit sorry for Jebediah though. After being trapped in Munar orbit for a couple of hours, he might have been expecting a warm welcome from his colleagues. Instead of that, he got Bill staring at him in disbelief and Bob screaming so much that the oxygen was in danger of running out.