Hello Kerbal forums! For many-A-Month I have been viewing you from afar. Laughing at your posts, Marveling at your wondrous crafts, wishing that I could meet you all and shake your experienced hands... But finally I have landed! Now I can show my stuff to the community, And show you what I am all abou- -WE INTERRUPT THIS MESSAGE WITH A MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSOR- *Kerbal Kreme, Kerbal Kreme, The Tastiest Ice-cream now with Minmus Sheen, OH It's Kerbal Kreme* -And now, back to the scheduled program.- --WE will Crash on the mun! We will Crash on Duna! We will Crash on Laythe! *Breaks into tears* I HAVE A DREAM, THAT MY KERBONAUTS WILL PLAY IN THE RUINS OF THESE BEAUTIFUL WRECKS OF PAST GENERATIONS I HAVE A- sorry, got carried away I guess... yeah... ZodiaK. Now on the forums!