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Everything posted by CaptGentry

  1. This is a fun mod. Does anyone have a video or a .craft file to explain how to operate everything? I'm not sure I'm using the parts correctly.
  2. Hey guys. I'm loving the mod. Can someone point me to some details on the engine? Does this thing work in space? I can't seem to get it to work up there. I think it needs ketair. Where do I get that? Does anyone have a picture of the normal engine-tank setup? My engines don't seem to want to stick on most things like the liquid engines do. Anyway.. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello all. I just got this game and it's taking all my spare time. I was hoping to attach pods together to simulate a orbital station with artificial gravity kinda like this I installed a couple mods but I can't find a proper attachment that will allow me to connect things at anything other than right angles. I know I can use shift and ASDWQE to adjust things but it seems that most of the pods won't move with those commands. Maybe there's a mod that will help but I haven't found it yet. Thanks in advance, CaptGentry
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