Hello all, I'm Yuriski. To those of you that have been on this forum for a few years now, you might remember a little thing called the Kerbal Space Program Roleplay (which then after a few, shall we say, events, migrated over to a forum of it's own). Due to a lack of funding, the forum has yet again migrated to a free host. After sorting out a few administration and moderation issues, we feel as if we are ready to expand the roleplay by recruiting new roleplayers. The RP now has an all new moderation team, simpler systems, experienced roleplayers ready to give all newcomers a welcoming hand, as well as plans to expand upon the main aspect of the Roleplay: Space Programs. To anybody who is interested, head over to http://kerbalroleplay.forumotion.com/ and check us out, even if you did before and didn't like it, many things have changed!