Hi, I have tested the new version but the bug with remotetech 1 still exist (shortcut keys not blocked when typing in console). Is someone here who can confirm this bug? Is a solution in progress?
okay, i have found the bug:-) i removed the mod "RemoteTech" and everything is fine. @Kevin: is it possible for you to find out what the problem with RemoteTech is? it's really a good mod with realistic feeling and i want to use both mods:-)
Yes, i tested to close/open the terminal. And yes, its happening 100% of the time. Perhaps an incompatiblity with other mods? I have: RemoteTech MechJeb FuelBalancer Chatterer
hello, when typing in the console the game also registers the keys and starts with action. e.g. typing "u" in console toogle my light / typing space.... staging i tried version 0.3 .. 0.35... without success. What can i do? is the bug known?