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Everything posted by Antaguana

  1. Is anyone having troubles with the magnetometer? I can place them on my ship and I can activate and deactivate them. I see the readings but there is no button to log the results for scientific collection. I have tried removing and re-installing the mod. Does anyone have any ideas on what my next step should be to trouble shoot this.? EDIT: I found another post suggesting that the issue was a conflict with having the user created science messages installed and keeping the original messages there as a back up. I can confirm that after moving the original science messages file to another location (for storage) the error are gone. the Magnetometer now works as expected. Thanks
  2. I have my debris setting to unlimited and just had a this issue. I have dropped many solid fuel rockets that I use as a booster stage. They almost always have a parachute on them and they never show up as debris. I was just doing a re-entry with Jeb, he was in a capsule with a chute that was connected via a decoupler to the orbital stage that also had a chute. Just after re-entry I split the stages and deployed both chutes. I managed to swap between the 2 pieces as they fell and say both chutes open over water to the east of KSP. the orbital stage had more velocity and ended up furter east. Just before splashdown I was unable to swap back to jeb in the capsule as I got the message that there was no debris close enough and I should use the map to swap. I opened the map and jebs orbit was still there (just) but there was no capsule to swap back to. So I watched the orbital stage land. This time I got the orbital stage as debris but not the capsule and Jeb was listed as MIA. In short I agree, It seems that KSP only tracks the debris that you are watching as is lands / slpashdowns (splashes down? hmm...) It may possibly extend to other items that land / splashdown in a close proximity to the part you are viewing. Does anyone know to sure? or if there is a range? can it be increased?
  3. It seems this thread has been inactive for a little while now. I feel it is worth resurrecting for 2 reasons: Firstly it is a brilliant initiative and I am learning a lot about KSP and orbits etc in general ad I would like to see it continue to develop. Secondly I think there are a few issues with some Age of Satellites missions. Specifically for the SpySat mission it seems a Polar Sun Synchronize orbit is not possible in KSP as it uses spherical gravity fields. see Wiki Artical on Sun syncronis orbits for an explanation of why a non spherical gravitational field is needed. I have seen a post by inigma with some instructions on how to achieve it but these don't seem to hold true with the maths. Purple Target makes a valid point in that the angle of inclination will not cause the spacecraft to precess in its orbit. Also in that thread inigma states to "(adjust your orbit) so that you are always above Kerbin at all points in your orbit at noon or midnight local time." This is not possible either. If you are always above Kerbin at all points on your orbit at noon then you are always between Kerbin and its sun, thus you would be orbiting the sun with a slightly smaller orbit but the same period as Kerin has around the sun. Given that the campaign is designed to introduce people to the theory's and lead them to more advanced topics, I find it detracts to include complex orbits that can not be obtained in the current state of KSP. Perhaps a note could be added to explain that a true Sun-Synchronous orbit is not possible due to limitations in KSP model but that you are simply aiming to make a polar orbit with a a period of X/6 hours and timed such that the craft will pass the Target location X times per kerbin day including one time at high noon. For an extra challenge we could add a requirement for an engine with sufficient fuel in order to readjust the path 20 of times (for once per season for the operational life of the program ie 4 times per year for 5 years) perhaps someone could work out the required delta V for that?
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