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Everything posted by BilboBaguette

  1. Well, I have managed to get to quite a few places. Returning wasn't always guaranteed..
  2. I have been playing for about 10 months, and I finally decided I should stop smashing my head against the monitor whenever something doesn't work or make sense. I figured it might be nice to have some other people to smash my head against instead. Hullo. I am Bilbo.
  3. I have a unique payload with horizontal and vertical pieces. It sort of looks like the letter T (It is one of two nacelles to be attached to a starship). For the life of me, I could not get the game to recognize it as a vertical craft so I had to make my starting piece horizontal so that it would allow me to attach it vertically to the rocket delivery system that I have pre-made. I know that once I go to launch I can change the point of control to wherever I want, but in the VAB I am having trouble maintaining symmetry and it is very frustrating http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/smilies/k_cry.gif . Is there anyway to forcefully change the starting object inside the VAB, either with a mod or some kind of command? I have had similar issues with this in the past and it is very discouraging.
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