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Everything posted by VictorEliasEspinozaGUedez

  1. Propulsor Espacial.... VEEG-BOX-HOUSE-4 Muy afectuosamente, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez 25 de Enero del 2014
  2. I did an experiment with a fan hung a rope. And the fan is movimo forward because had a lid. The force of the breeze from a fan is more strong.
  3. Dear Sirs. EXPERIMENT: A few minutes ago I used my fan to push the wall of my room of 4 cubic meters. RESULT: The fan created a force against the wall in front of it. And I placed me on the other wall of back with a thread on the hands and not felt force of brake. CONCLUSION: I invented the propellant of System Closed "VEEG-BOX-HOUSE-1". RECOMMENDATIONS: They can be used other instruments stronger that a fan of House. GRAPH OF THE PERFORMED EXPERIMENT TODAY 22 JANUARY 2014: Very affectionately, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez T.S.U. in computer science January 22, 2014
  4. But the plasma engine needs 12,000 degrees of temperature in a cold universe. Much more electricity is needed to reach that temperature and more to run the plasma engine. They can not achieve that temperature of 12,000 degrees with 110 volt. On the other hand my engine if it would run on 110 volts.
  5. Theory The idea is to absorb air and then expel that same air. This process is repeated constantly because the air will never end. We can not be without a gas or air which expel for move in the universe. And this video design, provides a good idea to achieve these goals, which is to get as far as possible in outer space. This model of 8 turbines, works in the following way. See VIDEO: Experiment Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJiyZtTluPM Very affectionately, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez Email: victor.espinoza.13@hotmail.com Email: victoreliasespinoza20@hotmail.com
  6. Do you know how difficult that is to build a space engine without a vacuum chamber? I have 15 years thinking about inventions and this was one of those who wanted to achieve. You see it easy because I already explained but were very difficult years I spent thinking about this propellant (space). What I want you to understand, is that this invention was not easy. Very affectionately, Víctor Elias Espinoza Guedez
  7. It is in a Google document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/159bhQjclrm2MGYCdKWF6agVhPCxrOlSGyDq1fo43huA/edit?usp=sharing Very affectionately, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
  8. The Propellant VEEG It is filled with air. The plastic bag in the prototype of the home It is for 12 volt computer fan It may attract air and then the plastic bag returns to its normal state. It is not that it will end the air in the space because the plastic bag will be completely closed and sealed with adhesive tape, in the case of the prototype for the home. In space, you would use a turbine several fans that compressed air so that you have more strength and push the sheet stronger or several sheets that go on air turbine that runs with an electric motor or several motors. If I am speculating on this turbine because you have to prove it in an aerospace company, but in the case of the propellant for the House I I checked it and the bag has air that will not be exhausted, but that won't be re-used all the time. In the case of space, turbine would need one greater than the atmospheric pressure to be able to compress air and is for this reason that I said on Youtube that it would need a cylinder of compressed air to fill the box where being the turbine and the sheets. I hope to have explained the case of my space propellant and propellant of the House who refuted Newton's third law and turns it into a propellant that does not need fuel because it will always use the same air repeatedly. The air is always there inside. In the two cases. Very affectionately, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
  9. The pressure inside the box with the turbine will increase with a compressed air cylinder. This is for the turbine to fill with air.
  10. DETAILS So you can make the propellant VEEG in their homes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYbUI4obakQ Very affectionately, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez 20 August 2013
  11. Violation of Newton's third law with a new space propellant invented by me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVAglIM5kys Very affectionately, Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez Patent pending: 20 August 2013
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