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Everything posted by deiwy

  1. This is a good idea. I don't know why, but I think this will be added in the near future. This because it would be a logical step for career mode. Maybe this is something for the mission control building...
  2. This solution has been suggested multiple times... and it's a great solution! That's why i'll repeat it again in the hope that this will be implemented . I also think an experiment should not give extra science if it is repeated -using the same part-. Else you will just spam the experiment until you've got all science, and another mission is no longer needed.
  3. The devs have hinted that space rocks will be implemented in 0.22. I had some ideas how this could be used as a collectors mission. The idea is as follows: - Each moon/planet has a number of different rock samples. Moons between 2-3 and planets between 4 and 8. The number of different rock samples which can be found should be listed somewhere so you can see how many you are still missing - A kerbal or rover can collect rock samples. Only when collecting, the game shows which rock sample you collected. "You found a ... rock" ("You found a moon rock... on the moon.. who would have thought") - You should not be able to see which rock sample is where by flying over an area; you should be able to guess where different rock samples are. Possible locations for different rock samples could be: inside craters, on the poles, on high mountains, near liquids, where the ground has a different color (differently colored patches), etc - Off course you must return the rock sample to Kerbin to mark a sample as 'collected' Hopefully the devs had similar ideas with the rock samples. If you have another idea, or an addition, let me know
  4. I do not like the idea of spending generic 'research points'. Unlocking research with specific missions is a good idea. An alternative might be to unlock new items by doing specific research (like researching rockets in a vacuum unlocks new engines which have a high ISP in a vacuum). Then again.. this specific research can be a mission itself!
  5. Definitely +1. Making small adjustments while zoomed out to see the other planets is nearly impossible to do. Also add a key to show the first/next maneuver node. These kind of small features are easy to implement and makes the game more fun.
  6. This is a great idea! It would be nice if all mapped planets and moons are browsable in, for example, the mission control building. You should be able to mark places on the map, which you can later 'Set as target' during the game. It can also be used in career mode, where mapping a moon/planet is (one of the) first mission, after which new missions appear on the map in mission control. All in all, this is a great feature which I hope will be added to the game.
  7. It would be nice if we can have a selection of tools for a kerbal to bring along. A kerbal should only be allowed to bring one item, which makes it more useful to bring multiple kerbals on a single mission. Tools which could be used with the current game are: - A flag - A repair kit, to fix broken parts like rover wheels. Later things could be added like: - A rock collection kit, to be able to bring back rocks - A scientific device, for measuring things like atmosphere composition - A camera, for taking pictures - A backup generator, for attaching to a probe which was out of power - ... Because a kerbal can only bring one item, you must decide which items you bring along for the mission.
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