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Everything posted by Quantumtroll

  1. I've been trying to get my hands on it for a while now, but the zip file just wasn't working on both my work laptop that runs OSX 10.8 (Lion) and my home laptop that runs OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard). The problem: the unzip utility creates a GameData file instead of a directory. The solution: from the terminal, run "unzip uploads-2013-07-maneuvernode_1.2b.zip -x GameData" to exclude GameData from extraction.
  2. I'm having trouble downloading this mod from Spaceport. The file I receive is only 7 KB large, and does not seem to be a valid archive (unzip freezes when it tries to open the file). I use OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard). I'd love to use this mod, please help!
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