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Posts posted by lordlundar

  1. 3 hours ago, Farex said:

    What I don't understand is why rocket *scientists* still use the imperial system, in presentations even. It's highly impractical and does not follow a logic whatsoever, just arbitrarily defined nonsense for measurement for use during the colonial times of the british people.

    Is there actually a benefit for using the imperial system in science? <- this is a serious question, because I just don't get it.


    @GoSlash and Starhawk


    Well there was an effort to switch to metric in the 90's (or late 80's can't remember which) as the first step in converting the entire United States to metric. To say the effort didn't pat out well is a bit of an understatement. Remember the mars climate orbiter? How because of a conversion error it ended up buried into the mars surface instead of orbiting? yeah, similar cases. Between the mistakes and bureaucracy it was deemed such a colossal failure that NASA went back to straight imperial and it stopped the conversion project entirely.

  2. It is tremendously efficient, propellant mass-wise. Isp starting at around 3400s and upwards from there, read more here.

    Problem is that's the only thing it's efficient in. Most of the energy from the blast is wasted, you need materials that can withstand kinetic force in the range of several thousand PSI as well as superheating just to get any decent velocity, then there's the whole "irradiating half of a planet" issue.

    Really when you think about it, all an Orion drive is is a supercharged pulse engine. Those aren't used wide scale for largely the same efficiency issues as well.

  3. Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure you have to buy Mac-approved components, which are more expensive. A hackintosh is for someone who wants to build and mess with their computer and also wants Mac OS X. You might save a few bucks, but I don't think that's the point.

    That is a lie. For the most part there hasn't been apple exclusive components in years. Most of the time you can get the same parts (in some cases the exact same parts) that a mac will run under for a significantly lower price point.

    The OSX does have a smaller range of components that it will recognize, but the difference between a "mac-approved" component and the same one that isn't is the price tag.

  4. Here's what's not fun at all about KSP: spending 3 hours between the VAB and the launchpad because your rocket flies in every direction except up, and for no reason that the game would tell me. And it's not that I'm trying to launch a 1000 part 5000 ton behemoth. It's a regular rocket with 3 stages or so.

    Here's the thing. Though the tagline for the game is "Rocket Science was never this easy", you're still dealing with rocket science so you still have to pay attention to what your doing. The results of what you get are directly to what you put into it. If you expect to slap together something and expect it to get into orbit without an issue you'll find that just isn't the case.

  5. G2A has it for around £13 (+ whatever VAT your country has). Very very reputable site.

    Just had comment on this. G2A is an unlicensed reseller site. A lot of the keys up there were purchased at places with lower regional pricing and resold to other places and that's the most legitimate of their dealings. Reports of stolen and illegitimately acquired keys are not uncommon. The Far Cry 4 debacle where Devolver had to deactivate the keys because they were not legitimate is the most recent big one but not the only one. Products bought through them are questionable at best.

  6. I would say a couple of reasons:

    1. It's largely unique. Yes there's other Space Program simulations like Orbiter and there's space ship construction games Like Space Engineer but those rarely allow the freedom that KSP has while maintaining the simulation concept.

    2. It's constantly entertaining. How many people will say when they screw up "eff this! It's too hard and I'm done!" pretty rare I would imagine and it's more likely you're in a giggling fit before realizing the mistake you made. It's challenging without being frustrating.

  7. I'll admit I've been having, well similar issues. When using the Albecurrie warp drive mod in trying to escape Duna's orbit the orientation goes haywire causing an abort. It took a lot of frustrating manipulations of the thrust to get it to a point where I could escape the Duna SoI. It only happened with Duna though, Kerbin, Jool and Eve had no problems. Not sure what's causing it.

  8. "high speeds" he says.

    The touchdown speed was 123 m/s. That is over 275 miles/hour or 239 knots. By contrast the space shuttle lands at 213 miles/hour and THAT has the luxury of better air brakes AND a drag chute AND it still requires a skilled pilot and better controls than what Scott Manley had at the time.

    The problems you listed were more a matter of Scott not having the skills or equipment on hand to do something that astronauts have trouble doing, not a problem of FAR.

  9. Well the thing you have to remember is that you're trying to do a high friction based landing on a low friction based environment. While on Kerbin or any atmosphere based celestial body you're going to have air resistance plus ground resistance to slow yourself down, on a place like minmus you can only rely on the ground friction. You're going to have to rely on your RCS to slow your horizontal velocity (which is what's causing your plane's freakouts upon contact) to a much more manageable level. I would say anything over 65 m/s is too fast for a safe landing. Even lower if you can manage it.

  10. So is there a way to buy it from one and have both?....just thinking here...

    See my above post. If you buy it from the Steam store and download it, you can launch it from the Steam launcher or launch it stand alone if you want.

  11. It doesn't matter. There's no requirement fro Steam to be running to play the game so you can purchase, download it, then move it to another location and run it directly. That way you won't have to worry about the auto updating (which you can also turn off for the game).

    Either way you buy it you get the same game, so long as you buy it and join in the fun. :D

  12. No disrespect to Elon, but that acronym has been used in hobby rocketry for a long time. It's similar to a golfer yelling "fore" or a lumberjack yelling "timber". If you hear someone yelling it, you need to find cover.

    So question, Are they yelling "RUD!!!" or are they yelling "RUN!!!"? :P

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