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Everything posted by Joe32320

  1. Yeah, I tried that first, but got some weird results: http://i.imgur.com/7WbWu7d.png Picture probably explains it best, IDK if I've made a mistake, but thats the direction those arrows seem to be in. The position to the sun does seem to work, though strictly speaking in that example, I didn't do sun:position-earth:position for it to point from the centre of earth to the sun.
  2. Question: How do you work out the velocity vector of Kerbin/Earth around the sun? I'm using SRSS and want to launch craft into the plane of the elliptic, and I want to do the cross vector of the position of earth and the velocity of earth in order to work it out, but I can't for the life of me work out how to calculate the vector for earths velocity around the sun, is there a way to do this?
  3. Cheers for the update, played 1.1 last night....other mods I can live without, without this one KSP just feels wrong, I need all the numbers!
  4. Does RO change the way engine gimballing work from stock, cause kOS will utilise the engine gimbals in stock as long as they unlocked, and it is possible to make steering code yourself to lock to a heading should you find lock steering unhelpful for the rockets you're launching.
  5. Hi, I've just downloaded this for the first time, when I run the program and hit the "Refresh" button, I get a new window saying "Error!" "Failed to connect to repository". How do I get it to work? I'm using windows 7.
  6. Dumb question, but where is the archive now, when I save files from the ingame editor I can't for the life of me find that file on my system... :/
  7. Are you executing "lock throttle to x" directly in the editor window, or are you executing within a program written in a text file? If its the latter, make sure you have an "until" command that cuts out at some condition when you want it too, because if the program is just lock throttle, then the program will lock the throttle, then immediately end because there are no other commands to compute, resetting the throttle, also see below as to why the throttle specifically goes to 0.5. Basically upon ending the program, the throttle goes back to where it was when it started, because SQUAD have changed the default throttle upon loading on the launchpad to 50%, if you don't manually take the throttle down to 0, when your launch script or whatever ends, the throttle goes back to 0.5. Best thing is just to get into the habit of pressing "x" prior to launching from the launchpad.
  8. Yep I'm getting a malware warning using chrome as well
  9. Awesome Just a note though Orbit:RotationalPeriod hasn't been added, but body:rotationperiod has, I assume thats what you meant? But thank you for putting it in
  10. As far as I can tell, v0.14 seems to be working fine with 0.25, also haven't run into the crippling half my ship missing bug either with it
  11. We'll see, but then you have to think why they wanted to put it in, having exploding buildings I agree isn't important, but why go through the effort? I've heard speculation of upgradable buildings that would certainly work within the base they have now, this is just a cool visual thing they can do now without coding all the mechanics behind that, as an example. Lol Whackjob, there isn't going to be a Kerbal alive within 50km of your launches
  12. Was expecting this thread I agree on its own, its not the most important feature ever, but lets see where it goes before fully judging
  13. IDK if this is known, but was something I spotted whilst playing today. If you go into the Research Facility, then go onto science archives, search for all science collected in Mun's "Farside Crater", I find that it displays not only science collected from the Farside Crater, but also science data collected in "East Farside Crater". Presumably this is cause when the program searches the list of science data, it checks the biome's name and see's if the String value for the name of the biome selected by the user in the interface is contained within the String value for the name of the biome that the search is currently focused on. Because all "East Farside Crater" science data contains the String "Farside Crater", they are displayed alongside data from "Farside Crater" when selected in the interface. Hope that makes sense. Edit: Excuse the slight spelling mistake in the title, should be "within" not "with".
  14. Great! It would be useful to get the name of the biome at a particular latitude/longitude, ideally able to work with the custom biome mod as well as the stock biomes, if at all possible.
  15. Would it be possible at some point to add a command that allows us to get the number of seconds a body takes to rotate once about its axis against a fixed point? It'd be helpful for precise landing scripts
  16. I've had this bug too, it wasn't just on a quickload/save for me, but also when I went to the space centre and loaded up the vessel from the Tracking Station. And no I'm not using MM to add the module or using kOS as a root part. Might want to check if this is a bug relating to RT2 integration since I'm running that (I'll check again at some point whether my vessels disappear without RT2 integration being enabled in the config file but its late atm for me to start testing). For now though I've gone back to the previous version as well.
  17. The way I calculate ISP of the engine(s) that are currently being used is to list all the engines, then check the engines to see if they have been ignited AND aren't flamed out, then using stats from the engine I calculate the ISP using equations found here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Isp Note, I think that once an engine has been staged once, it counts as being ignited even if you shut it down again from the right hand menu, so for complex designs/ships that have docked together, it may not be a valid way of doing it but otherwise it seems to work. A way around might be to lower the thrust limit in the right hand menu to 0, then take that into account within the loop for the calculations.
  18. Joe32320

    Which one?

    For the same reason that SQUAD wouldn't put in KER, they'll leave it to the players to work out. However you do make an excellent point, I hadn't thought about that, so yeah, you could go either way with KAC
  19. Joe32320

    Which one?

    I'm guessing its NEAR (The devs probably think FAR in its current iteration is too complex for the stock game). Though something not mentioned on the list of options is Kerbal Alarm Clock, which I think should be part of the game, even if it isn't the full bells and whistles with transfer windows part of it taken out etc
  20. Its a real problem if you're using the kOS mod, because a program sets the throttle to where it was before executing once it has finished. That means a launch program will terminate after a successful launch, and send the throttle to 50% unless you changed it prior to launch. I don't mind it being a default option, it would just be nice to set it to 0, or 100% if you so wished, rather than a fixed value for all.
  21. I get: Sometimes the program doesn't terminate, it just freezes the throttle in one position. The problem I've found is to do with this statement: lock steering to ship:velocity:surface + r(0,0,180). If I get rid of the r(0,0,180) I get no errors, though the ship then rolls midflight due to how the ship is orientated on the launchpad, this function was working in the previous pre-release as well. Edit: For anyone suffering a similar issue, this is what I'm using to get round this problem instead of using "lock steering to ship:velocity:surface + r(0,0,180)." set direction to ship:velocity:surface:direction. lock steering to direction + r(0,0,180). Another edit: Or just use: lock steering to ship:velocity:surface:direction + r(0,0,180).
  22. I'm having some issues with the latest release. First of all, because the default throttle setting on the launchpad is 50%, if you don't lower it down to 0% before running a program, when a program ends, say a launch program, the throttle goes back up to 50%, which is incredibly annoying. Second I have a launch and staging program that worked fine in the last pre-release for 23.5, however now something weird is happening. The link to the programs are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9lrxgo2i2t2g2u5/AAAxYEiFAU0qHQ7UDj7Fx7p8a What is happening is in the first "UNTIL" loop in the launch program, when you reach an altitude of 15000, the program stops working, the error message differs from one to another, but they tend to suggest an error in the staging program that works perfectly up to that point. The other noteworthy point is you can change the point you get the error. The until loop contains 3 if statements, dictating the steering of the craft between different altitudes. The changeover at 7500 works fine, but the error seems to be coming about when the second if no longer is activated and the third if loop is. (the condition on the second if loop is "a > 7500 and a< 15000", the third if loop has the condition "a> 15000" where a is a variable locked to altitude).
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