I was wondering if there were any plans on adding any modifiers into the calculations on the ARM contracts that involve D and E class asteroids. As it stands I'm looking at a contract to orbit a Class E around Minmus for advance of 56,250 reward of 337,500 funds 844 science and 1688 rep. The funds value is Way under what would be required for this contract. I've actually built a vessel I feel is fully capable of doing this with virtually all stock parts outside TAC, and Remote Tech stuff in a single launch. I managed to rework it several times and get its cost to just over 6,100,000 for the launch. Early prototypes exceeded 8 million. Seeing as how the rewards don't even reach 500k, I think it'd be good to add another variable to adjust the rewards for the larger asteroids as they require Significant resources and engineering above the returns and don't just become contracts people just pass up. Besides that I'd be interested in seeing how other people tackle the idea of Class E asteroid orbiting, and ejections.