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    Curious George
  1. Connectors: Pulley Once attached, the cable can continue to another Connector. Rotating Mount Attaches between a cable and connector, allows rotation of the connector. Larger sizes can go between standard parts. T-Mounted Winch Attaches midway along a cable. Electric Welder Placed on the End of the arm described below or held by a kerbal, attaches parts together. Other Parts: Hydraulic Arm Various sizes and lengths, can extend to twice its original length. Control Station Assigns and uses control groups for all Winches/Rotaing Mounts/Arms/Magnets. Similar in design to the external command seat, but kerbals stand upright. Uses: A square framed crane with winches in top corners, pulleys in bottom corners, cable between winches and pulleys, T-Mounts In the middle of the Cable, A pulley on one T mount, winch on the other, T-Mount between those two and winch hanging down for lifting. A round crane with a central tower, Rotating mount at the top, Hydro arm off the mount, and pulley at the end. Robotic Multi-Jointed arm with Rotating mounts and Hydro arms for zero gravity manipulation of large parts, once in place they can be held with pipes and a welder on the arm can attach them. PS: Whew, brain pressure vented. If you need any grunt work modeling or testing I would be happy to help.
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