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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think I might have just been dumb and not noticed that the fuel flow was unstable. I had mounted the engines on small pressurized tanks with a much larger unpressurized tank. Because of some reason, the pressurized tanks were empty, so I just had to put a little fuel in them manually.
  2. I'm having an issue where engines won't ignite even though they have steady fuel flow and ignitors. They don't ignite unless autoignite is greater than the denominator. Is that supposed to be a mechanic? If so, how should I ignite engines when they get too cold?
  3. I tried that, but now that I think of it, it was usually after I lost some control. I'll try this and what Torminator said too. Thanks guys.
  4. I've been able to recreate the agility of the video, but like you said, it doesn't quite work with jet engines. Even with RCS ports, the ship goes full stupid within seconds. Any tips to make it work with jets? The craft I have in mind wouldn't work without them.
  5. Ok, I have that, but in the video in the OP, what kind of linear engines was he using?
  6. Thanks for all the help, I think the spool up might be the problem. But which B9 port are you talking about? The RCS linear port? Or the ones in the video on the OP? Because I don't know if I have that one.
  7. Edit: I've already tried every combination of RCS, SAS and guidance only, none of them work, they only crash in different directions. The ship also has four thrusters, two on each side. According to what I see, this ship should fly perfectly, but it always crashes.
  8. I have the window open for my ship, and the mod is controlling the engines individually, but the ship still does sideflips. According to accounts of this mod, you can make a ship completely off balance, or lose several engines and still hover, but my planes still lose control.
  9. This mod doesn't do anything for me. I installed it according to the directions, I have modulemanager, and I can see the menu of it in craft with default cockpits, but it does nothing. My VTOLs handle exactly the same. What is wrong? Please help me.
  10. I am having trouble figuring out how to even use this mod. I have it installed, but it does nothing for my VTOL's. They behave just like they would without this. I don't have mechjeb, would that fix it?
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