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Everything posted by dangerbird2

  1. As Joshington says, they are good for fine orbit adjustments. It's also ideal for making an orbital insertion to Moho, which has ample sunlight to power the engine for a very ÃŽâ€v intensive burn. And don't quote me on this, but I believe that the newest version of Interstellar mod allows burning its ion engines while running on-rails timewarp
  2. Modulemanager.dll needs to be directly in the GameData folder, not in remotetech.
  3. My Hopes are on the Dyna-Soar
  4. Same problem. It appears the new star has a SOI of 450,000,000 km. It must overlap into the vanilla solar system. Good work other than that. I know your mod is more focused on interesting gameplay than realistic astrodynamics, but any thoughts of moving Erin to the Serious? It would be a bit more plausible for the Erin/Pock system to be orbiting a binary star than to have a moon with a natural satelite. It would also give incentive to exploring the new star.
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