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  1. sebi.zzr's post in 1.4.1 + DLC + 30 something mods - greyed out parts in VAB/SPH part invetory was marked as the answer   
    Because you're forcing DX11 or openGL.
  2. sebi.zzr's post in No sounds/animation for b9 engines in ksp 1.4.1? was marked as the answer   
    Hello and welcome to the forum.If i have to blind guess,you need to update SmokeScreen .
  3. sebi.zzr's post in Can't see Modular Kolonization System's part in the tech tree was marked as the answer   
    Hello,and welcome to the forum.
    Did you install these mods via CKAN?You have two other (older) instances of MM installed,which are unnecessary.Also,try to manually install this USI tools.
    EDIT:There is a similar problem in MKS thread:
  4. sebi.zzr's post in So i sorta broke my Settings.cfg file was marked as the answer   
    AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL { PRIMARY { name = Mouse ScrollWheel axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } SECONDARY { name = None axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.0500000007 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1 } } You can change that in game.But if you decide to do this as you did then you can freely delete settings.cfg and on next start it will reset it self to default and create new settings.cfg.
  5. sebi.zzr's post in Trying to remove/add module/resources with MM was marked as the answer   
    You have forgot the brackets.
    @PART[CA_ET,CA_ET_extension,CA_ETnose] { !MODULE[FSfuelSwitch] {} }  
  6. sebi.zzr's post in Is there a way to retrofit the 1.1+ stock inflatable heatshield to a 1.0.5 install? was marked as the answer   
    It should work as it is,the only thing you need to change is:
    category = Aero also make sure you put "InflatableHeatShield" folder in ...GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero
  7. sebi.zzr's post in Communication Dish falling off inside fairing was marked as the answer   
    I presume that you're using Remote Tech.
    @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULEModuleRTAntenna]]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { -MaxQ = Del } } This MM patch will remove "snaps under high dynamic pressure" from all antennas.
  8. sebi.zzr's post in Remote Tech Won't Load was marked as the answer   
    Hello and welcome to forum.The information you provided is not enough to successfully troubleshoot your problem,but the obvious question is,did you also install Module Manager?If yes,then please read:
  9. sebi.zzr's post in Game Does not Produce Output_log.txt was marked as the answer   
    @Svm420,if you're on windows
  10. sebi.zzr's post in Electric Charge Generation Problem was marked as the answer   
    @Voodoo8648,this is normal behavior of solar panels,farther you are from the sun,less energy they produce.
  11. sebi.zzr's post in [Answered] Not generating Output Log was marked as the answer   
    @Numberyellow, @Racescort666 Try to look in: C:\Users\"name"\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program
    If your AppData is hidden just type(copy/paste) the following in search bar:
    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal space Program  
  12. sebi.zzr's post in What is this arrow? was marked as the answer   
    @Whovian41110,this is most certainly a debug arrow from MJ2.
    In MJ panel look for "Attitude Adjustment" and and you'll see you have checked "Command Pod Forward".
  13. sebi.zzr's post in Any way to Modify Water Buoyancy? was marked as the answer   
    You can change buoyancy in physics.cfg.Everything is well documented and is patchable with Module Manager.
    @PHYSICSGLOBALS { @buoyancyScalar = 1.2 // Scalar to buoyancy force }  The other method could be to edit parts buoyancy
    @PART[*] { %buoyancy = 0.2 // You can try negative value or 0 %boundsMultiplier = 0.7 }  
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